Two Young Trustees join Kids in Museums

Kids in Museums is pleased to welcome two new Young Trustees to its Board.

Two Young Trustees join Kids in Museums

Kids in Museums is pleased to welcome two new Young Trustees to its Board. 

Kids in Museums supports and represents the needs of young people, and therefore it aims to meaningfully represent young people’s views at all levels of the organisation. The charity first introduced Young Trustees, who are aged 18 to 25 years old, in October 2018 to ensure young people are part of its strategic decision making and future planning.

The role includes a competitive application process and offers an opportunity for young people to develop their leadership skills and experience in the heritage sector.

The new Kids in Museums Young Trustees for 2023/24 are:

  • Rachel Brodie, Learning and Events Assistant at Cumbria’s Museum of Military Life
  • Joe Rattray, Student and freelance museum engagement practitioner at the Tall Ship Glenlee in Glasgow.

Rachel and Joe will receive free training in governance, finance and presentation skills, and will be paired with a buddy or mentor from the existing Kids in Museums Trustees, who can provide support and advice on their new roles.

The new Trustees will also have the opportunity to work with and consult the Kids in Museums Youth Panel (age 16-25) and will be responsible for representing their views to the Board. Together the Youth Panel and Young Trustees support the charity’s existing programmes and develop their own projects. This has included planning and delivering a Museum Youth Summit and sector training, creating a podcast series, presenting at the Kids in Museums Conference and representing the charity at sector events, such as being a panellist for Heritage Alliance’s Heritage Day 2023.

Young Trustees are initially appointed for a one-year term, but there is the opportunity to extend the term of office by a future year by mutual agreement.

Vanessa Eke, Chair of Kids in Museums, said: “We are so pleased to welcome Rachel and Joe to the Kids in Museums Board as our fourth cohort of Young Trustees. Young Trustees have become a key role in our organisation, helping to centre young people’s views and strengthen both our leadership and that of the wider sector. The role is also a brilliant opportunity for young people to develop skills, build confidence and grow their network.”

Kids in Museums hopes to encourage other heritage organisations to recruit Young Trustees at their organisation to better represent young people. Next year the charity will be offering programmes in England and Wales to support museums to recruit Young Trustees and make them a long-term addition to their Boards. Further details will be announced in early 2024.

Read more about the Kids in Museums Board on the website.


Rachel Brodie

Rachel works at Cumbria’s Museum of Military Life as Learning and Events Assistant. She has several years of experience working with children and young people in varying roles across museums, schools and charities.

Rachel studied Primary English Education with QTS where she specialised in English and History. She began her heritage career at Wordsworth Grasmere as an Education Trainee. She is passionate about enhancing accessibility within the heritage sector and developing relationships with local communities through collaborative projects.

Outside of work, Rachel can be found practising ballet, camping with the Scouts or listening to a podcast. She also enjoys reading, going to gym classes and researching her genealogy in her spare time.

Joe Rattray

Joe is an emerging museum engagement practitioner with a passion for creating accessible and immersive museum experiences. He honed his skills as Interpretation and Engagement Assistant to the Tall Ship Glenlee in Glasgow, funded by the Art Fund Student Opportunities Programme, where he performed community outreach and ran exciting events. He works alongside his studies in Archaeology and English Language and Linguistics, from which he will graduate in summer 2024.

As an autistic person himself, Joe is passionate about making museums accessible for everyone, and breaking down barriers that come with disability. He hopes to show neurodivergent young people that they really can achieve anything.

Joe has been working with young people in various volunteer and paid capacities since 2018 and spends his summers working as a Camp Counsellor, delivering the Performing Arts activity and running riot with the kids in his cabin!

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Kids in Museums

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  • Emrys Green

    On 29 November 2023, 21:21 Emrys Green Voice Team commented:

    Great appointments! And wonderful to see youth voice being taken at the heart of organisations. We can't wait to meet them at the training in the new year :)

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