NADIA's latest single, ‘Love Victim’ (feat. Jordan Adetunji), is a true marvel in the world of dance music. From its impeccable songwriting to the masterful production, this track has all the right elements to become a dance hit.


The opening synth and vocal samples draw you in, setting the stage for the emotional journey that follows. NADIA’s sultry voice delivers heartfelt lyrics about heartbreak and memories, creating profound connections.

The song’s instrumentation is vibrant and skillfully crafted, perfectly complementing the grand choruses and unforgettable hooks. The chorus, with its speedy, exciting EDM build, is simply captivating and features glorious harmonies that add an extra layer of drama and poignancy. The dance rhythms keep you moving, while the background vocals add delightful touches of colour throughout the track.

The collaboration with Jordan Adetunji in the verse adds a fresh dynamic, and the gratifying ending leaves you craving for more. Nadia’s talent shines through in every aspect of the song, from her powerful vocals to her evocative songwriting. If you’re a fan of contemporary pop music with a touch of depth and allure, ‘Love Victim’ is a must-listen.

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Poppy Laine

Poppy Laine

Music and lifestyle writer focusing on the up-and-coming music scene and life reviews. Get in touch with me at if you have something that you think I might like!

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