SINGLE RELEASE: Aliens Don't Ring Doorbells - 'Amanda'

Aliens Don't Ring Doorbells is rising as one of the most exciting new rock-pop bands, and they have just released their brand new single this week. 

SINGLE RELEASE: Aliens Don't Ring Doorbells - 'Amanda'

‘Amanda’ serves as the title for their latest hit, and it just might be one of their best yet. We’re just happy it can now bless your ears as much as it has blessed ours.

The song is a captivating blend of their iconic guitar-driven sound and anthemic crowd-infusing vocal melodies, which all culminate in an incredible final take-off. Over the past few months, ADRD has been diligently working towards their second album after their stellar debut. It appears that 'Amanda' could be the single that everything has been building up to.

We hope that over the last few weeks, whilst waiting for this incredible release, you have been able to check out the band’s other incredible work, including some of their latest releases like ‘Hello 2 You’, ‘Big Old Nowhere’, and their last single, which brings awareness to mental health, titled ‘Are You Crazy’.

You can listen to ‘Amanda’ NOW on all streaming services.

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Poppy Laine

Poppy Laine

Music and lifestyle writer focusing on the up-and-coming music scene and life reviews. Get in touch with me at if you have something that you think I might like!

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