The Emerging Italian-Born Urban Pop Star Dici and 'Champagne Showers'

Up-and-coming urban pop artist Dici continues to make a name for himself in the rap scene. 

The Emerging Italian-Born Urban Pop Star Dici and 'Champagne Showers'

Originally from Italy but raised in Miami, Dici has managed to accumulate over 2 million streams in just two years without the backing of a record label. However, Dici has taken control of his creative output, releasing his music through his own record label, DICI Records, which allows him to experiment with different sounds and styles.

From his beginnings as a quarantined 17-year-old freestyling in his bedroom, Dici has come a long way in a short amount of time, with 19 singles already in his catalogue. His latest release, 'Champagne Showers', showcases his continued growth as an artist.

Dici's desire for success and constant improvement is evident throughout his discography. He seamlessly blends refined rap verses with bolder, more melodic pop production, showcasing his versatility and willingness to push the boundaries of his music. With 'Champagne Showers', Dici is ready to take his music to the next level and further establish himself as one to watch in the urban pop scene.

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Poppy Laine

Poppy Laine

Music and lifestyle writer focusing on the up-and-coming music scene and life reviews. Get in touch with me at if you have something that you think I might like!

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