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14 April 2021
Nature's Goodness: How to grow your own tropical vegetables
Lockdown is a beautiful excuse to do inane things to pass the time, and why spend good money on house plants if you're throwing away seeds every other day?
14 March 2021
Nature's Goodness: Maps aren't scary
Maps aren't things we often have to bother with in this day and age, but (with a few modern modifications) they can make your world feel a lot bigger than it used to.
26 January 2021
Top comedy shows to watch in lockdown from Online@theSpaceUk
Village halls, festivals and theatres still seem like obscure architectural features from a long lost civilisation, but comedy survives! You can take a look at some of the up and coming talent for free via Online@TheSpaceUK.
2 November 2020
You Give Me Butterflies
A socially distanced performance, by Maria Askew and Julia Correa
23 October 2020
Who's afraid of the big bad beav'?
Why is Britain so afraid of freeing the beaver? If we are to survive the coming threats to our climate, we need to overcome our fears of the original habitat engineers.
12 August 2020
How to: Make your own generator
Uninterrupted free time, petrol savings and crushing boredom. For those on furlough with minimal responsibility, there has never been a greater excuse to take up a new project.
6 August 2020
Nature and Climate Change
We're all familiar with the plight of the polar bear as our planet warms, but how is nature as a whole likely to react to a changing climate?
18 June 2020
Despite its horrors, society could benefit from Covid-19
Coronavirus has already created a ‘New Normal’. Is it one we want to change?
15 June 2020
The unknown joys of Biorecording
Ever wondered what that weird bird call is outside your window? The pretty plant in your garden? Whether that moth is likely to eat your socks? Now's a good time to find out…
9 June 2020
Birthdays in lockdown
What is it like to celebrate being alive when life has changed so dramatically?
1 May 2020
Why you should consider birdwatching
Birdwatching. It gets a seriously bad rap considering how benign, harmless and accessible it is.
25 March 2020
Art could be the answer to your quarantine boredom
Already burned through the boxsets, digested all the literature, and gotten RSI from too much gaming? Then it might be time to put down the remote and pick up a pencil!
21 March 2020
It ain't easy being green
When it comes to sustainability you'll never get it completely right, but that doesn't mean you can't try
7 February 2020
Man vs Cheese
An honest account of one guy's journey from Cheese Addict to Angry Vegan.
27 January 2020
Brexit and You: the likely costs of leaving
Out of some mix of morbid curiosity and twisted sense of duty, I have forced myself to wade through horrendous political jargon to find things to translate into human-speak.
10 July 2019
Utopia Now!
A shouty think-tank with human bodily contact, looking to change the world for the better!
Comment posted on 7 August 2020
Nice concise update on an ugly issue, who knows what they're getting up to now the public isn't allowed near?