Challenge Accepted: The Crisis affecting Turkish women

Some of you may have seen the hashtag #ChallengeAccepted going round on Instagram - accompanied by a black and white selfie. This trend was actually originally intended to raise awareness of the growing violence against women in Turkey.

Challenge Accepted: The Crisis affecting Turkish women

Hi guys,

A more serious topic this week - the crisis affecting Turkish women. 

Some of you may have seen the hashtag #ChallengeAccepted going round on Instagram - accompanied by a black and white selfie of the person whose account it is. While female empowerment will never stop being an important issue, this trend was actually originally intended to raise awareness of the growing violence against women in Turkey as a result of lockdown and other CoVID-19 measures.

Instagram user @beelzeboobz (great username) said "Turkish people wake up every day to see a black and white photo of a woman who has been murdered on their Instagram feed, on their newspapers, on their TV screens.The black and white photo challenge started as a way for women to raise their voice. To stand in solidarity with the women we have lost. To show that one day, it could be their picture that is plastered across news outlets with a black and white filter on top."

While I love the idea, it seems that this message has become somewhat lost in amongst the superficiality of celebrities posting a black-and-white selfie without sharing the information about the growing rates of femicide in Turkey. 

If you want to find out more, you can follow the Instagram account @aturkishculturalclub to find out more. If you can, donate to Morcati Vakfi or Small Projects Istanbul, women’s shelters attempting to make a difference.

This is a user generated post from our wider Voice community and was not edited by the Voice team. We would love to hear your views too! Sign up for an account and make your Voice heard!


Giulia Donà dalle Rose

Giulia Donà dalle Rose

Hi, I’m a musician all the way from sunny Italy with a passion for all things travel, music and cultural! I hope you enjoy reading through some of my musings about my travels and experiences of living in London…

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  • Senay Yilmaz

    On 30 July 2020, 15:48 Senay Yilmaz commented:

    Thank you for putting light on this. It is important that the message Turkish women trying to give does not get lost in translation and so that the challenge won't lose its meaning. If you are looking for ways to help, please consider donating to Turkish Philanthropy Funds ( We are a US based organization working with many organizations in Turkey that are fighting violence against women to change the understanding of the society of “what a woman can or can not do.”

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