A post about dogs.

I wanted to share with you some ways of bringing that canine happiness into your life - even if you don’t have a dog of your own!

A post about dogs.

Anyone who follows me on Instagram knows I love my dog! He’s amazing, and taking him for walks has really kept me sane throughout lockdown. They really are man’s best friend! So I wanted to share with you some ways of bringing that canine happiness into your life - even if you don’t have a dog of your own!

  1. Volunteer at a shelter: Whilst some shelters may not be accepting outside help just yet, with lock downs relaxing everywhere, they will need all the extra help they can get! For just a few hours of your time you can catch up on all the cuddles you missed during all those months of lock down.

  2. Ask around your neighborhood: You probably have neighbours somewhere near you who have a dog and want a break. Believe it or not, some dog owners might even get tired of having a pet with boundless energy, so why not offer your services? You could get some exercise, spend some time with your canine companion and do a good deed all at the same time :)

  3. Use Borrow my Doggy! If you’re unlucky enough to live in a neighborhood lacking in dogs, there are apps you can use to help out someone who needs a break - they will thank you for your services and (depending on how each app works) sometimes you get paid as well!

  4. Discourage people from buying new. This is becoming an increasingly worrying problem throughout lock down - everyone wanted a dog and no one went to shelters. This means that there were lots of dogs in need of a home who never got one. This is obviously tragic, and something which we need to stop, so why not do your bit to educate anyone who might be thinking about getting a new dog to try out looking in a shelter first?

So, I hope these tips help you if you are in need of some doggy friends but don’t have one of your own. Remember, you can always follow me on Instagram (@giuliamymusic) if you want some adorable doggy content!

Until next time,

Giulia, xo

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Giulia Donà dalle Rose

Giulia Donà dalle Rose

Hi, I’m a musician all the way from sunny Italy with a passion for all things travel, music and cultural! I hope you enjoy reading through some of my musings about my travels and experiences of living in London…

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