1. Tennis Girl. This is a famous British poster (I recently shared this image on my Instagram - @giuliamymusic) which shows a woman walking towards the tennis net with a racquet in her hand, lifting up her short tennis skirt with her other hand to reveal she is not wearing any underwear. It's a fun shot, and I love the cheeky attitude of it!
2. Afghan Girl. This photo made waves when it was featured in National Geographic. It shows a girl with bright green eyes staring from the folds of her headscarf, against a background which matches her eyes perfectly. The photographer, Steve McCurry, once said "If you wait, people will forget your camera, and the soul will drift up into view."
3. The Falling Man. Taken during the 9/11 terrorist bombing attacks, this photo shows a man falling from the World Trade Centre as it collapsed. Is he falling, or did he jump? His leg is raised as if he's walking, and the photo is taken at the exact moment it looks as if he is plummeting straight down. A moment in time, captured forever.
4. Wish You Were Here. The Pink Floyd album cover is actually a work of daring and timing - the man in the photo was a real stuntman, and he was actually set on fire! The team of course only had a few seconds to get the perfect handshake shot, and you can find other shots from the shoot on the internet which shows the man running away and being put out! Perfect timing (and a perfect album).
5. Black Power Salute. Tomie Smith and John Carlos raised their fists to the sky in the 1968 Olympics ceremony (having won first and second place) in order to show that all was not right in the world. Just before the Star Spangled Banner was sung, their message was, "before we can salute America, America must treat black people as equals." A timely message for today as well.