Set on Coney Island, we follow Alice and Jim as they fall in love, experience a whirlwind romance and bring an unusual baby into the world. A baby with a head shaped like an Oyster. Strange I know. However, through incredible puppetry skill, the cast bring Sam (the oyster boy) to life.
Showcasing a multitude of performance mediums, the talented cast shape the story using musical interludes. With beautiful, strong voices and tight harmonies these ladies set the scene and achieve seamless transitions between each section of the performance. Each ensemble member can be seen switching between a plethora of characters, prop work, puppetry and chorus, yet the audiences never questions the change in performance method as the cast achieve smooth transitions. Each actor gives 100% to each change and in a way outshone the main characters with their skill and performance quality.
Haste has chosen to lighten the ending slightly, compared to the much darker conclusion presented by Burton in the original source, although still achieving the melancholy and heartbreaking feeling. Though we are warned at the beginning that the end will not be pleasant, you still find yourself unprepared for the conclusion which takes place.
Full of creative energy and inspired ideas, Haste delivers a production that the whole family can enjoy, leaving with you with the urge to go to the beach. Good thing we are in Brighton!
What a creative way to deliver such a dark tale...