The Nutcracker - Fulham Symphony Orchestra

Over the Christmas holidays, I got the chance to experience the wonderful work of the Fulham Symphony Orchestra in their performance of the Nutcracker. Here's a few reasons why you should go and check them out!

The Nutcracker - Fulham Symphony Orchestra

The orchestra isn't something I could ever say I'd particularly been interested in going to see. I didn't understand the appeal, what the big deal was; then I saw the Nutcracker.

At first I questioned how I'd understand the story, or know which bit was which if no one spoke, and then the orchestra began to play. You realise that the story itself becomes an afterthought as the music takes you on a journey of your own.

The performance was conducted by Mark Dooley, who showed such calm in the way he brought the instruments together. The whole choir were excellent in the clear display of both passion and professionalism they showed that allowed the performance to be so enjoyable. I was also really impressed with the PMF Children's Choir that assisted with vocals and showed that this performance was open to and for everyone to enjoy, not just adults.

The intimacy of the setting at St. John Smith Square simply added to the aura of being magical. It was fascinating being able to see how each musician interacts with their instrument while listening to the harmony of the collective sound.

I definitely recommend going to see a performance by the Fulham Symphony Orchestra to everyone. Whether it be the music, the atmosphere or simply being mesmerised by the movement of the instruments it will have you hooked.

The next performance by the Fulham Symphony Orchestra is of the Mahler Symphony No.9 on the 18th of March 2017. Be sure to get your tickets!


Neha Lakhanpaul

Neha Lakhanpaul Activist

19. Law student. Dance and art. London. Twitter: @NehaOldSoul Instagram: @nkl96For me art is an opportunity, a way to express and be heard, a chance to make a change.

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  • Emrys Green

    On 18 January 2017, 18:53 Emrys Green Voice Team commented:

    This sounded great Neha! Thanks for sharing :)

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