A Complete Idiots Guide to New Zealand

From Marmagedon (a marmite shortage) to the questionable names of New Zealand sports teams - Sully O'Sullivan tells you everything you really need to know about New Zealand

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A Complete Idiots Guide to New Zealand

A Complete Idiots Guide to New Zealand is a piece of stand up comedy performed by kiwi comedian Sully O'Sullivan. It does exactly what you would expect - it teaches you all about New Zealand in a funny, engaging way. 

Prior to this performance, my knowledge on New Zealand was minimal and probably very stereotypical based on media I had consumed. I left with an abundance of information about New Zealand that I am definitely going to throw into 'dinner party conversations' from now on! Sully had the audience (including myself) laughing constantly and it never felt like I was being taught anything. And, just in case you still have questions at the end of the show, Sully opens the floor for the audience to ask him anything else! This was such a nice touch.

Sully had great stage presence and keeps the audience hooked from the start. He was even able to keep the audience engaged during a few minor technical difficulties. He handled these so professionally and was even able to improvise jokes. He's just a generally funny man and that really showed in these moments 

This show is definitely an 18+ with some of the directions the piece takes and the language used but I mean that comes with the territory when your countries badminton team is called "the Black Cocks". 

Overall, A Complete Idiots Guide to New Zealand is easy to follow and super informative and will have you laughing out loud constantly! 

Header Image Credit: Brighton Fringe


Amy-Louise Tilley

Amy-Louise Tilley Local Reporter

Just a 25 year old from Brighton, reviewing shows at Brighton Fringe

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