Strangeface seeks Young Audience Advocates for The Hit Tour this Autumn

Strangeface seek young people aged 15+ to attend our shows this autumn and share their experiences online and in print. We'll arrange at least one pair of free tickets at venues nationally including our BSL Interpreted performance in Newbury 9/10/19.

Strangeface has made original performances for 18 years across the UK and internationally. This Autumn we are working with some fantastic venues to bring our dark comedy to audiences aged 15 and up. 

The Hit been described as a "one puppet Breaking Bad" and “science communicated through art…. Part Beckett, part Scorsese… inviting us to become more than puppets to dissonant thought”. The show was made to get people thinking about the way we explain and justify our decisions and responses and we always offer the opportunity to discuss the work both formally and informally with the team. 

We want your feedback and ideas - and nothing is more powerful than your reviews and word of mouth recommendations in shaping the way we work. In order to help make this possible we are offering at least one pair of complimentary tickets at each venue on our tour for young people to attend, watch and review the work

Please apply to us in a short email to [email protected] and let us know: 

  • Which venue would be best for you
  • If you have any access requirements we can support
  • How you plan to share your review of the work

Please note there is a BSL Interpreted performance at Arlington Arts in Newbury on 9th October and we'd particularly love to hear about how you experience this collaboration.

Strangeface Artistic Director Russell Dean is on tour and has worked with the RSC/Vamos Theatre, Trestle, Geese, Punchdrunk, Channel 4 and many many more organisations across a 30 year career. He worked with Senior Lecturer at Lincoln University Nathan Heflick on this performance and the show is a great way for KS4/5+ Psychology students to get a deeper understanding of their subject too.

Audiences at our 5* run in Edinburgh last summer said:

So #TheHit @StrangefaceTC is amazing: incredible puppetry with the perfect ending!

#TheHit @StrangefaceTC @Summerhallery was brilliant!! Incredibly Puppetry!! I loved Mikey and his dark tales!! #Puppetry 

AWESOME #bunraku #puppetry at @Edfringe - The Hit by @StrangefaceTC Having loved Beached at @Bevpuppetfest I was blown away by this (pardon the pun!!). Puppet mastery, very adult content :)

I'm not connected to this production in any way, just an audience member from yesterday but it is indeed a MUST  

Will you agree? Do we achieve our aims? Can we add your quote to our next press release?! We really look forward to hearing from you and seeing you at our performances across the upcoming weeks.

Header Image Credit: Photo by Mark Dean, The Hit - performers Chand Martinez, Teele Uustani and Tommy Luther

This is a user generated post from our wider Voice community and was not edited by the Voice team. We would love to hear your views too! Sign up for an account and make your Voice heard!


Bethan Tomlinson

Bethan Tomlinson

Bethan Tomlinson is Producer for Strangeface Theatre Company and Operations and Touring Manager for Ideas Test Creative People and Places project. She trained at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama from 1992-5 and has since worked as a touring Performer, Bookshop Assistant, Storyteller, Receptionist, Live Event Manager at Historic Royal Palaces, Waitress, Writer, Co-director of theatre company since 2001, funded and managed Tunbridge Wells Puppetry Festival 2015-7, Workshop Leader, Co-ordinator for a national group of puppetry organisers and sold masks to schools, groups and artists around the world.

We need your help supporting young creatives

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