Youth Panel Member (Four places available) - Kids in Museums

Aged 16-25 and looking for a new challenge this year? Kids in Museums is looking for four members to join the Kids in Museums Youth Panel.

Youth Panel Member (Four places available) - Kids in Museums

The Youth Panel is a group of around ten 16-25 year olds who meet every month via Zoom. Members are drawn from all over the UK and bring a wide variety of perspectives to help us to address the reasons why young people don’t visit museums.

Members contribute to existing Kids in Museums programmes and develop their own projects with a dedicated budget. In the past, their work has included creating a podcast, running sector training events, contributing to online resources, and speaking at national conferences.

This is a voluntary role, however we cover necessary expenses and pay members to participate in events that require an additional time commitment.

We are particularly interested to receive applications from young people from minority ethnic and working class backgrounds and young people with disabilities.

For full information and to find out how to apply, please visit the Kids in Museums website.


Kids in Museums

Kids in Museums

We work with museums, heritage sites and cultural organisations across the UK to make them great places for children, young people and families

We need your help supporting young creatives

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