Youth Panel Members - Kids in Museums

Now recruiting! The Kids in Museums Youth Panel is a group of ten 16-25 year olds who meet every month via Zoom. They contribute to existing Kids in Museums initiatives, develop their own projects and share their views about young people in museums.

Kids in Museums is looking to recruit six members to join its Youth Panel. 

Since July 2019, the Kids in Museums Youth Panel has:

  • presented at the Kids in Museums Conference
  • spoken at museum sector events including the Group for Education in Museums conference and Fair Museum Jobs Summit
  • run their own series of online events about social justice issues
  • taken over the Arts Council England Instagram
  • organised their own Takeover Day at Borough Road Gallery
  • helped develop museum careers resources for young people
  • led their own online exhibition, Objects Declare Emergency.

The Youth Panel are currently creating a podcast series about young people’s provision in museums and planning a Museum Youth Summit for May 2023.

We know that young people, in particular teenagers and those in their twenties, are less likely to visit museums than those over 45. Kids in Museums Hurdles to Participation research tells us that there are a variety of reasons why young people don’t visit museums. Recent DCMS research into audiences at London museums also shows that young people aged 16-24 feel that museums do not address issues they feel are relevant to them.

Kids in Museums wants to help museums all over the UK become more welcoming and relevant to young people. They want to bring young people’s voices into the organisation and implement their ideas to shape the change we want to see in museums. The Youth Panel is key to this process, working alongside staff and Young Trustees.

Kids in Museums is keen to make the Youth Panel more representative of young people in the UK today. As a result, they are particularly interested to receive applications from young people from minority ethnic backgrounds and young people with disabilities.

The closing date for all applications is 10 February 2023 at 5pm. To find out more and how to apply, visit the Kids in Museums website:


Kids in Museums

Kids in Museums

We work with museums, heritage sites and cultural organisations across the UK to make them great places for children, young people and families

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