Where are they now?...with Hannah Butcher

Hannah Butcher completed her Bronze and Silver awards, then decided to become an Arts Award advisor. She's currently delivering Arts Award at Future Education.

Where are they now?...with Hannah Butcher

What are you up to in your creative work at the moment?

I was delivering Bronze Arts Award at Future Radio Norwich, this is where I achieved my Bronze Arts Award in Radio training - I produced and presented radio shows for 2 years. I was then asked to become an Arts Award advisor, which gave me the chance to share my skills by delivering the same training I received. I then moved on to managing the radio show that our young volunteers present. I am currently still managing that show.

Also, I am now delivering Arts Award at Future Education, a school for young people who have been permanently excluded from mainstream education because of SEN (special educational needs). Because of the amount of diverse characters I teach, I am no longer just doing radio training as part of them achieving their Arts award, I have students doing singing, dance, guitar, sculpture, music production, nail&make-up design and art & design. I really love reaching out to all the different interests, it's something I have a passion for. It's challenging of course, not only the fact I have some of the most difficult young people in Norfolk to work with, but they are all doing different things. But I wouldn't have come in to this job if I didn't like a challenge.

What are the highlights of your arts career to date?

I have so many great experiences delivering Arts Award and I have met some truly inspirational young people. A highlight has to be watching learners come through our doors and then go on to university doing something which they love and that we helped to inspire at Future. And of course working with challenging young people, the simplest achievements bring the greatest awards.

What do you hope to be doing in five years time?

In five years' time I would love to have a few more qualifications under my belt. I would like to be delivering Arts Award in an even more challenging environment. A detention centre or in a school which is in a city/estate that has a higher crime level than the one I am currently teaching In. I would love to gain experience teaching in other countries that would be a dream.

Which levels of Arts Award did you do, and how did you use it to develop your creativity or skills?

As I said above I have achieved my Bronze Arts Award. I also did my Silver. I haven't yet delivered Silver but would like to in my currently position. Arts Award gave me a gateway to my career and it inspired me in a way that I now get to help others, to get creative and gain new skills and a qualification.

What advice would you give to young people doing Arts Award who want to follow in your footsteps?

My advice would be to never be afraid to try the unknown especially if it involves getting creative, you never know what can inspire you to do great things. I never knew I could present radio shows but I did and I did it well, and now I am managing one.


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