The Online Van Gogh Museum Tour

I attended an online exhibition about Vincent Van Gogh, held by Washington DC History and Culture, 

The Online Van Gogh Museum Tour

This was an hour long immersion into the history and art of Vincent Van Gogh as well as other artists whom have influenced or been influenced by Van Gogh. I attended this event on the 2nd of January, 2021.

Vincent Van Gogh was an artist of the 19th century Impressionism movement and contributed to it greatly; he mainly used oil paints on canvas and watercolour.

Vincent Van Gogh’s background was deeply explored in the exhibition alongside his art, and they also showed other artworks made by people who Van Gogh would have talked to or been influenced by at the time, for example John Russel, an artist he met in Paris made a portrait of him along with Henry de Toulouse-Lautrec and Paul Gauguin, someone very important to Van Gogh’s history and most importantly his feelings which did have a massive emphasis on the mood of his paintings. It really displayed how his different emotions contributed to factors like the subject of the paintings and the colours used in them. For example, when he was in Paris he used more warm colours like yellow and he did more paintings about young couples, which were possibly affected by his own relationship at the time.

The exhibition also helped me gain a lot of insight into his development in art as he grows older, developing his style from dark to bright under the influence of modern art and the city of Paris, and overcoming his parents’ disapproval of his dream of having an artist’s life. 

Overall, Vincent Van Gogh was a forward-thinking artist who persevered through his obstacles and left beautiful masterpieces for the world. This exhibition was incredible and I thoroughly enjoyed taking part!

Header Image Credit: Washington DC History and Culture

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varya Mishra

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