President Street return with ‘Something to Believe’

President Street returns with ‘Something to Believe’, a song about overcoming adversity in the form of a toxic relationship.

President Street return with ‘Something to Believe’

President Street returns with ‘Something to Believe’, a song about overcoming adversity in the form of a toxic relationship. It’s a pretty universal theme, but just in case you are one of the lucky few who has managed to avoid the like, it’s also a song about sticking to your guns and staying strong whilst in the throws of some massive upheaval… sound familiar?

Whilst it’s pretty impossible that anyone could have predicted the bizarre situation we now find ourselves in, as reality and normality themselves get a bit of a makeover, it is the perfect time to listen to a song about finding inner strength and stability whilst the world around changes.

‘Something to Believe’ is led by Ruby’s compelling vocal and Pete’s stellar arrangement. Harking back to the days of chart-topping R&B, the song makes use of acoustic elements - guitars and strings alike - paired with a more futuristic-sounding drum track. Lyrics like “rewriting who I am, who I can and should be,” are a beautiful indication of the self-discovery and rebuilding and strength it takes to overcome people and events who hold you back. 

A song in which delicate vocal patterns indicate strength, and where personal triumphs reflect universal themes - President Street have done it again.

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Poppy Laine

Poppy Laine

Music and lifestyle writer focusing on the up-and-coming music scene and life reviews. Get in touch with me at if you have something that you think I might like!

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