The Powerful Impact of Giovanna's 'Young Heart Player'

It’s not often that a song transcends the narrow barriers of entertainment which are found in pop music and manages to say something of political importance. Giovanna’s ‘Young Heart Player is one such song.

The Powerful Impact of Giovanna's 'Young Heart Player'

It’s not often that a song transcends the narrow barriers of entertainment which are found in pop music and manages to say something of political importance. It’s not often there is a quality music video to promote said message and render the song all the more impactful and full of heartfelt meaning. Giovanna’s ‘Young Heart Player is one such song, and Giovanna is an artist you will definitely be wanting to keep your eyes on. 

Written about the power dynamics found in romantic relationships, the song is truly an ethereal pop masterpiece. The music video takes this message one step further and translates this message of power struggles into contemporary dance and movement. 

The masterminds behind this operation are dancers and choreographers Kayla Lomas-Kirton and Duwane Taylor, who join together in a battle of wills and bodies which sees an established power dynamic turned completely on its head by the end of the video. It’s a brave and risky choice to forgo the usual setting of a nightclub or house party for a video like this but it’s a risk that definitely pays off. 

Of the video, Giovanna’s team says that it is supposed to reflect the power struggles found in parliaments and courtrooms all around the world. It certainly seems that way, with the struggles between the two dancers being something we can all relate to in personal or public life. 

Giovanna is an award-winning film scorer, so it’s unsurprising that her music can transcend boundaries to become more of an experience than listening to your average pop song. 

Watch the video here:

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Poppy Laine

Poppy Laine

Music and lifestyle writer focusing on the up-and-coming music scene and life reviews. Get in touch with me at if you have something that you think I might like!

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