Review of Dead dog in A Suitcase (and other love songs)

Dead Dog in a Suitcase is a story that has been adapted for the stage by Carl Grose, the original story (The Beggar’s Opera) by John Gay. 

When Mayor Goodman and his dog are assassinated, they leave a lot behind. A miserable widow, an empty suitcase and the pressing need for a new mayor. Which is where Les Peachum and his wife step in, but not necessarily with good intent. But things only get worse when their daughter, Pretty Polly Peachum, marries contract killer Macheath which Mr and Mrs Peachum are not happy about at all.

The show started without a curtain, displaying a scaffold with numerous compartments and levels which gave space for the actors to perform on. There was also a large slide which ran from the second level to the ground, under which the band was set up. The show began with an incredible energy that did not dissipate at any point in the duration of the performance.

The use of music throughout the piece was fantastic and the voices of all the actors were absolutely flawless and paired with the band the sounds that they made were both beautiful and powerful. The lighting was wonderful as well, it was used in a way that perfectly highlighted the events taking place in the show. The story in itself had a clear plot which the performers acted extremely well making it even clearer. 

Throughout the show there was a clear underlying relevance to Punch and Judy, which is essentially a story of domestic disharmony, so it worked well with the overall themes of the show. In ‘Dead Dog in A Suitcase’, Puppetry was used numerous times. I think the use of puppets was extremely successful especially in the end in which puppets, music, light and movement were combined to create a truly incredible, thought provoking finale with a fabulous energy which left the audience totally astounded and essentially, in awe…

Dead Dog in A Suitcase (and other love songs) is an incredible, twisted tale, riddled with love, lies, sorrow and hope which all eventually all boiled down to that characters one, main, burning question…

What the HELL is the world coming to? 

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Poppy Stewart

Poppy Stewart

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