The Legend Of Rawry by Michael Baillon | FIRST ACTS

From Random Acts Midlands, Michael Baillon's animated splendour reveals the beautiful mind of an inspiring artist, and the power of autism.

The Legend Of Rawry by Michael Baillon | FIRST ACTS

Most people on the autistic spectrum often find it difficult to socialise or express their emotions. However, when we do, it can be quite fascinating. The Legend of Rawry showcases Baillon's artistic skill in this teaser about a dragon that goes on an epic quest to find treasure, whilst briefly explaining Michael's artistic skill and how he came up with Rawry in a dream.

The best part about the whole film was the simplicity - there are no hidden messages or subliminal themes unlike other First Acts films I've seen; it is an exciting and enjoyable short for all ages to watch. It therefore proves that not every single piece of modern craft needs to be politically or socially motivated. Animation is always appreciated, and Baillon's art skills are certainly lovely.

It's not just the animation, the editing was what really impressed me - it was like watching a proper trailer. You had the brave and bold Rawry on a enigmatic quest to find treasure, unsure of his fate expressed with tense music, and a shocking ending that begs eager and exciting questions. I found The Legend of Rawry a wonderful art piece that opens people up to autism, thus helping to eradicate the stigma & stereotypes associated with it.


Luke Taylor

Luke Taylor Contributor

I work as the Network Administrator for Voice. Having completed my apprenticeship at Unit Twenty Three, I continue my work supporting Voice and the Youth Network in whatever way possible. Music is my passion, and I will happily talk about all the bands you've probably never heard of!

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