Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain Review

2 weeks ago, my music group watched a performance of a Ukulele orchestra, and I personally really like how ukuleles sound, so I thought I’d do an honest review on it.

I must mention that I was extremely satisfied with how the orchestra was playing. The way they’re able to communicate with each other is essentially great for when they’re performing to a fairly massive audience, and the way they can easily build up the tempo, then slowing it down again, as shown in the third song “Leaning on a Lamppost” is a very unique and impressive talent to have. When the tempo changed, I felt some sort of emotions building up inside of me (for example, the tempo building up meant I felt a sense of joy, and the tempo slowing down meant my smile faded)

Another thing worth pointing out is the way not only the orchestra communicate with each other, but how they’re communicating to the audience. The intentional humour and puns heard in the video, and their commentary towards the audience really brings on a positive vibe and although I’m from a different generation, I’m able to understand the humour pretty well which not many teens nowadays would be able to understand.

If I had to say what my favourite performance of theirs was, I would have to say their cover of “Teenage Kicks”. Not only do I really like the song, I like the way the orchestra sung it, and how it goes from just one person singing, to more people singing, which can affect the mood of the audience in a positive way.

However, something I wasn’t satisfied about, and this is just my opinion, is their cover of “Smells Like Teen Spirit.” As much as I really love the song, I doubt I’ll want to listen to it on a ukulele, and how one of the members of the orchestra mucked up with the lyrics, and I noticed that he wasn’t on time with the song, which was very dissatisfactory to me.

Other than that, I really enjoyed watching the performance, and I’m sure the audience did as well, seeming as while watching the video, I noticed their contact and enthusiasm showed that they were pretty entertained, and I was as well.

Thank you for taking the time to view this honest review, and I hope I somewhat inspire you to maybe watch a performance similar to the one I watched.

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Jessica Gale

Jessica Gale

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