Kaffe Fassett has dedicated the last 50 years of his life to the world of knitting, Needlepoint, and patchwork. He uses colourful, patterned fabrics to create lots of detailed patchworks, often inspired by landscapes and their colours. He has produced over 50 publications from ‘How to Books’, to colour in designs, touring internationally, giving workshops, lectures and museum exhibitions.
This exhibition, however, was all work that had been inspired by Fassett. All of the works used some of the fabrics he creates under his line, and many people used his patterns to create quilts. I was particularly amazed by the quilts that used quilting to create depictions of animals or portraits. I was amazed by the amount of time and patience that it would have taken for them to create such a piece of artwork and was overwhelmed with the detail that was created by using tiny scraps of fabric.
In the exhibition you also got to see the process that he used to create his patterns, I found this particularly interesting as you could see that he had experimented with multiple different colourways and different examples of the patterns. It was nice to have a look inside his creative process and see how he creates his work.
Another part of the exhibition that I enjoyed was a video that Fassett had created for the Fashion and Textile Museum for the exhibition, talking about his fabrics and how he and his partner created the patterns that were created. I liked this addition to the exhibition as it allowed you to see more about Fassett’s work rather than the works that inspired him or his fabrics. I always like to see a bit of the creative process in such exhibitions as I feel like it allows you to see the story behind what has been created in the exhibition and in this one I felt like it added a meaning behind the work.
I enjoyed seeing all the different ways that people had interpreted Quilting and what they had created as every piece was different and exciting to look at.