National Theatre Live: Good by C.P. Taylor. Directed by Dominic Cooke

A Theatre Production starring David Tennant, Elliot Levey and Sharon Small. 

Good is set in Pre World War Two Germany, and it is a staggeringly impactful story themed on radicalisation.

The show started at 7pm, as listed, and was projected onto a screen which descended from above the stage.

The screening was a live broadcast, streaming from the Harold Printer Theatre in London both across the UK and worldwide.

Unfortunately, the quality of the picture was less the desired due to the projector and the sound at times was harsh but this didn't detract from the experience at all. As the play went on, the gripes about the picture and sound quality seemed to fade and it started to feel like more of an authentic theatre experience. 

Good marks David Tennant's return to the West End, accompanied by Sharon Small and Elliot Levey. My Boyfriend and I were absolutely amazed by the fantastic range displayed by the actors, who seamlessly switched from character to character almost without effort. By giving each character a distinct voice and dialect, the trio made following the story easy. Even though the set didn't change, the actors utilised every bit of space to set the scene through acting alone. 

I especially enjoyed it when John (main Character) would talk to the Audience which made it feel like I was reading a book and that we were personally in his life.

What we found incredible was Sharon and Elliot's ability to portray characters of the opposite sex, their acting made for little need for suspension of disbelief. 

This story of a mentally troubled man is excellently delivered through the characters interactions, and though it is an incredibly impactful story, there was also room for humour especially between the main character and his best friend. 

During the interval, we were treated to a short film about the playwriter behind Good, Cecil Phillip Taylor. We got to learn a little about Cecil's past, his writing career and the impact he made within the community.

John Halder's Mum was very well written and funny, she was expertly brought to life by Sharon's evident talent. 

Good is a brutal reflection on the unfazed contempt on the part of Nazis and the cruelty the Jewish people suffered and a harrowing, impactful portrayal of reluctant radicalism and the beginnings of justification of abhorrent behaviours that you can fall into when in the wrong crowds. 

This play was Spectacular to see, it was intense and very moving at moments. 

You get drawn in and fully immersed within the story. 

It is like a book coming to life that still allows your own imagination. 

I highly Recommend watching this fantastic Theatre Production and I can't wait to see more of David Tennant in the Theatre industry.

We saw this broadcast at Darwen Library Theatre on Thursday 20th April 2023. 


Holly Craig

Holly Craig Voice Reviewer

I am 20 years old, I have studied animals and I am very much interested in the arts. My hobbies include reading and swimming.

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