Institute of Anything: Free Art Project with Cubitt Artists: January - March 2018

Aged 13-19? Want to take your art practice to the next level?

Join the Institute of Anything latest project, taking place at Lift Youth Hub in Angel, Islington. 

Institute of Anything: Free Art Project with Cubitt Artists: January - March 2018

What is this?

What is nationality? Is it important? 

Over six sessions, you'll be working alongside artist Sophie Mallett to explore these questions. You'll try out a range of creative activities including lyric writing, creating banners, making videos and experimenting with sound.  

As a group, you will explore what identity and nationality mean to you, creating art to express your ideas, while working towards an Arts Award Bronze qualification.

Snacks will be provided during the Thursday evening sessions and lunch during the Saturday sessions.

The Institute of Anything is Cubitt Artists’ young people’s programme that supports talent and leadership in the visual arts.


The Institute of Anything is free and open to anyone aged between 13 and 19.

When and where?

Sessions are hosted at Lift Youth Hub on White Lion Street, Angel, London.

Dates and Times:

Saturday 13th January, 10am-4pm
Thursday 25th January, 5-7pm
Thursday 8th February, 5-7pm
Thursday 22nd February, 5-7pm
Thursday 1st March, 5-7pm
Saturday 17th March, 10am-4pm

It is important to make a commitment to the project to get the most out of it. However, if there are one or two sessions you can’t attend, let us know.

Sign up...

>>> Sign up by completing this short form<<<


This is what young people have told us about the Institute of Anything:

“It showed me that you can take art anywhere and make it your own.”
“I learnt to come out of my comfort zone and set myself a challenge.”
“I enjoyed working in a group. Everyone was very welcoming!”
“The artists were very confident and clear. They respected my ideas and helped me develop them.”

Arts Award is a nationally recognised qualification that you can put on your CV or UCAS form. If you already have Bronze and want to work towards Silver, let us know.

The Institute of Anything is part of Central St Martins’ Insights programme. Insights supports young people whose parents or carers who have not attended university into higher education at University of the Arts London.


Any questions, get in touch with me. Lydia Ashman, [email protected] or 020 7278 8226.


Lydia Ashman

Lydia Ashman

Cubitt Artists is a Gallery, Studios and Community Education programme in Islington. The education team at Cubitt produce a programme informed by the context of the locality and contemporary art practice. They work to connect artists and communities living in Islington, and to trigger new approaches to understanding, interpreting and producing art.

The Institute of Anything (IoA) is Cubitt Artists' flagship young people's programme. The IoA aims to support leadership and talent in the visual arts across Islington. It offers young people the chance to work alongside contemporary artists to develop their practice, learn new skills and become part of a wider local creative community.

We need your help supporting young creatives


  • Emrys Green

    On 25 December 2017, 07:57 Emrys Green Voice Team commented:

    This looks like a great opportunity! Thanks for sharing :)

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