In brief with Lin Blakley, stage and Eastenders actress

"Always be on time for auditions, listen to your director and fellow actors. And never stop learning!"

In brief with Lin Blakley, stage and Eastenders actress

Could you first introduce yourself to the reader?

I’m Lin Blakley and I’m an actress best known for Pam Coker in Eastenders.

What does your job involve? Give us the typical outline of a day

Rehearsals, and performing plays. As well as film and television.

What’s great about your job? 

I’m very passionate about my job and love what I do.

What are the bits you don’t like or find challenging?

There’s nothing I don’t like really. As for the challenging, I think it's great to have a challenge in your life!!

What are the highlights of your career to date?

I think that was when I joined Eastenders. 

How did you get into an arts job?  Have you also worked outside the arts?

I've always wanted to be an actress.

Can you describe your biggest challenge so far in your career? How did you overcome it?

I think that’s always the latest job!!!

Have you noticed any changes in the industry? If so, what?

I think this is the fact that there are a lot of actors and actresses out there now, which hasn't always been the case.

You’ve been granted the ability to send a message to 16-year-old you. What do you say?

Not to be too hard on yourself. 

Do you have any advice for young people interested in doing your kind of job?

Always be on time for auditions, listen to your director and fellow actors. And never stop learning!

Header Image Credit: Craig Sugden


Sienna James

Sienna James Voice Team

Formerly Assistant Editor, Sienna now studies History of Art at the University of Cambridge and loves to write about the intersection of politics, history and visual art. Sienna is author of the Creative Education and Instaviews series.

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