Interview with Bowjangles

All singing, all dancing, comedy string quartet Bowjangles talks to Voice about the show, inspirations, and gives advice to young people.

Interview with Bowjangles

Could you first introduce yourself to the reader?

We are Bowjangles- all singing, all dancing, comedy string quartet!

Tell us about your show?

In this new show marking our 10-year anniversary we tell the somewhat ludicrous story of our journey to find the most priceless relic of all- a mysterious violin bow known as Excalibow. It’s full of comedy, energy, and almost every musical genre you can imagine. May contain traces of ABBA!

Why do you want to perform at Edinburgh Festival Fringe, and is it different from other festivals?

It’s the biggest and best festival in the world- usually we get paid for performing at festivals but not Edinburgh! It costs performers a lot of money but we are hoping it will be worth it.

What first motivated you to enter the industry? Who were your inspirations?

We have all been playing our instruments since we were tiny, and when we reached adulthood we all wanted to present classical music in an exciting and vibrant way. Somewhat inevitably we found our way to each other 10 years ago and our motivation has always been to bring classical music and instruments to people who may not normally come into contact with them. We are inspired by anyone multitalented, who can do more than one cool thing at a time!

Do you ever feel any pressure to be a social commentator, or constantly update material to respond to events?

Yes and no- it is hard when it means you have to rewrite 4 string parts, 4 vocal parts, the script and the dance moves! But we do try.

Equally, do you feel there has been a shift in public sentiment that has affected your work?

No. This show is based in myths and legends so fortunately we don’t have to deal with the doom and gloom of today’s climate.

Describe the last year in 5 words or less?

Rehearsals, two births, skint, Edinburgh 

What advice would you give to someone who wants to take a show up to the fringe?

Put your all into it- take out loans and crowd fund, rehearse all night for no money if necessary, get all your promotional stuff designed beautifully… put your all into it- if you’re going to do it then you might as well bloody go all out!!

And what advice do you wish you’d been given when entering the industry? 

Learn to sing, act and dance earlier. We mainly just played our instruments until we were in our early 20s and then had to learn on the job!

When and where can people see your show? 

2pm, The Dining Room, Gilded Balloon, Teviot Square. 

And where can people find, follow and like you online? - Twitter/Facebook/Instagram @bowjanglesmusic


Tom Inniss

Tom Inniss Voice Team

Tom is the Editor of Voice. He is a politics graduate and holds a masters in journalism, with particular interest in youth political engagement and technology. He is also a mentor to our Voice Contributors, and champions our festivals programme, including the reporter team at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

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