Want my job? with Laury Verdoux, music publicist

"My mom taught me that success comes when you put in the necessary effort and never give up, no matter the challenges."

Want my job? with Laury Verdoux, music publicist

Could you first introduce yourself to the reader?

Hey, my name is Laury and I’m a music publicist, so I help artists with everything related to promoting music: from articles/interviews, to radio airplay and playlist placements.

What does your job involve? Give us the typical outline of a day?

My job is all about helping artists, whether it is promoting a new song/album or promoting a tour. I work with artists all around the world and I can provide promotional services wherever the artist’s audience is. I have worked on promoting tours in Europe, Asia, Latin America and the USA.

I think a lot of publicists will agree but there’s no 9-5 for us, especially if you’re working with people under different time zones.

I start my day by answering my emails and then I source new journalists, radio shows or playlists that are a good target for my current clients. If on a day one of my artists has an interview planned, I make sure they don’t forget – and also I remind the journalist (yep sometimes it happens that they forget). The afternoon is usually for calls with current clients or people interested in my PR services, as well as writing press releases and sending email reports.

What’s great about your job?

I get to work with people all around the world while being wherever I want. Another cool perk is that I get to listen to songs before everyone and the artist’s release date.

What are the bits you don’t like or find challenging?

Working with people under different time zones is challenging! With Australia and Asia, I either have to wake up super early or work late if I need to hop on a call with a client there😅 It’s also happened that me or clients messed up with calculating the time difference and we weren’t able to catch each other.

What are the highlights of your career to date?

Before working as a publicist, I used to work in booking and this led me to work on one of Elton John’s European tour dates. Also in 2021 I was shortlisted in the “30 under 30” La Nouvelle Onde which recognises high-rising French music executives under the age of 30. 

What was your career path into this job?  Have you also worked outside the arts?

Getting my foot in the music industry wasn’t smooth to say the least. After my Music Management studies, I didn’t know anyone in the industry and even though I applied to thousands of jobs, I didn’t get any for a few years. It was hard not to give up but I was told that if it is really what I want to do, eventually it will happen, I have to be patient. I was sceptical, but it worked.

I went to South Korea for a music production course and that’s when and where everything skyrocketed for me. I did an internship with a label and that was my foot in the door. One thing led to another and other labels were interested in working with me for my knowledge of the Western market. That’s when I started working as a publicist back in January 2020.

How has your background, upbringing and education had an impact on your artistic career? 

While my mom loved listening to music, we didn’t have the same tastes, and other family members didn’t really care about music. I remember getting addicted to music when, one day, I was watching TV and they were playing music videos. It was the time The Pussycat Dolls released Beep and I just loved it. It made me want to be involved behind-the-scenes of the music industry. Since then, this wish has never left me.

Did you have any role models or inspirations growing up?

Yes, I had a strong role model and a great source of inspiration growing up – my mom. She raised me alone, which in itself was incredibly inspiring. She showed me the importance of hard work and perseverance. My mom taught me that success comes when you put in the necessary effort and never give up, no matter the challenges. Her dedication to providing for us and her unwavering commitment to our well-being instilled in me the values of resilience, determination, and the belief that with hard work, anything is possible. She has been a constant source of motivation in my life, and I am grateful for the valuable life lessons she imparted to me.

Can you describe your biggest challenge so far in your career? How did you overcome it?

As discussed, my biggest career challenge was breaking into the music industry. I faced this challenge with limited contacts and no established network to rely on. Seriously, I remember sending out thousands of emails, hoping for an opportunity, but often receiving no response or hearing that the companies didn't have the budget to hire someone.

There was a point when I felt discouraged, and I even briefly considered switching to a different industry. My passion for music was too strong and I couldn’t picture myself doing anything else so I knew I couldn't give up on my dreams. I persevered and continued to reach out to companies, learning from each experience, refining my approach, and expanding my knowledge and skills in the process.

Ultimately, my persistence paid off. I finally secured my first job in the music industry. Once I was in, other opportunities arose. This experience showed me that even when faced with daunting challenges and seemingly insurmountable odds, unwavering commitment and relentless effort can lead to success.

Have you had a mentor anytime during your career, and if so, how has having one made a difference?

Unfortunately, I didn’t have a mentor during my career. I feel it would have helped me to get a smoother start so I would love to be someone’s mentor in the future and get the help I didn’t get.

Are there any online support spaces you’re a part of, and if so, how have they helped you?

I’m part of a few organisations for women in the music industry like shesaid.so or Cactus City. It’s a safe space where we can ask questions and help each other when needed.

Have you noticed any changes in the industry? If so, what?

I have noticed significant changes in the industry, especially from a public relations perspective. One notable shift is the recognition that almost everything can now be done online. In the past, artists and companies often preferred to hire professionals located in the same city for their promotion efforts. However, this mindset has evolved during the pandemic, I’d say primarily due to the growing realisation that the quality of work is what truly matters.

Nowadays, artists and companies are more open to working with PR professionals remotely. This change has been quite advantageous for me as it has expanded the pool of potential clients and collaborators. This shift towards remote work in the PR industry has made my job more convenient and has allowed me to collaborate with talented individuals and businesses I might not have been able to otherwise.

You’ve been granted the ability to send a message to a 16-year-old you. What do you say?

Start networking NOW. I always say this but I realised the importance of networking way too late. Especially if you don’t know anyone in the industry

Do you have any advice for young people interested in doing your kind of job?

Start by immersing yourself in the world of music. Familiarise yourself with various music genres, artists, industry trends, as well as music publications. The more you know about music, the better

Network relentlessly as building relationships within the music industry is crucial. Attend industry events, concerts, and conferences. Connect with musicians, managers, record labels, and fellow music professionals. Networking can lead to valuable opportunities and partnerships.

Most importantly, stay passionate! Passion is what fuels your drive in the music industry. Keep your love for music and PR alive, and let it shine through your work.

Feel free to reach out and connect with me:

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Tom Inniss

Tom Inniss Voice Team

Tom is the Editor of Voice. He is a politics graduate and holds a masters in journalism, with particular interest in youth political engagement and technology. He is also a mentor to our Voice Contributors, and champions our festivals programme, including the reporter team at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

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