Interview with Agi K

Vlogger, photographer and award winning film-maker talks about her work and her upcoming Mozilla Festival session

Interview with Agi K

Could you first introduce yourself for the reader?

Hi, I'm Agi and I'm 14. I'm a self taught filmmaker and make films of all sorts from feature length documentaries to visual poetry, music videos and vlogs!

I make an annual documentary film about my relationship with my little sister (who happens to have Down's syndrome) that I started when I was 8. This was to dispel myths through showing our everyday lives together, although this last episode perhaps describes more the effect nature and our environment has on the way we learn. I've won a few awards and been lucky enough to have had my films screened at film festivals, including the National Youth Film Festival and Raindance. I was a beta tester for Videostar for many years and made many music videos experimenting with narrative, editing and art collage techniques. I was awarded my Gold Arts Award in film making when I was 11. The leadership component of this saw me running film making workshops from which the film club that I run was established.

What is your earliest art memory?

Growing up I was surrounded by art because my mum's an art teacher, so we were always talking about colours, shapes and the meanings of a piece of art. Being home educated, a lot of my education took place out visiting art galleries, museums, theatre, dance, circus and I was surrounded by creative projects and paintings. So I had a lot of inspiration and encouragement to create my own. I especially loved making simple line drawings, and these evolved into using computer software to colour fill them. My mum would ask me to design things for her and draw pictures for her website. What I remember most about all the art galleries and museums we visited is thinking of stories that could happen in them, to me everywhere we went was a potential film set.

What is your earliest memory involving technology?

Creating hand drawn stop-frame animations on an iPad with a basic app.

Was there a lightbulb moment where you decided that you were going to peruse a career in media?

No, each project has led to the next, and I think its natural for my generation coming up to be immersed in media.

Why have you decided to attend Mozfest?

To be part of such a large gathering that's purpose is to share ideas and explore the future of the web, and it's power for good. I'm excited to share my experience with other enthusiastic creatives, and excited to see what comes out of mine and everyone else's workshops.

What can attendees expect from your session?

To learn new skills, to share friendly open-minded chat and be inspired!

I'm running two sessions. The first is a Demo called The Art Of Vlogging. This will explore how artists can use vlogging to get their voices heard. I'll be demonstrating editing techniques through a vlog I've made about how to make your vlogs compelling.

The second session is called 1,2,3 Vlog, Edit, Upload. This is a fast paced hands-on practical workshop where attendees will learn how to vlog at live events. Part of this will include teaming up in pairs and vlogging from the festivals via phone technology.

What are you most looking forwards to at Mozfest?

Meeting like-minded inspiring creatives with big ideas!

What is one piece of technology you're excited to see develop further in the future?

Simple, accessible storage systems that are easily retrievable for all our data!

How is art progressing technology, and vice versa?

People are sharing their art and getting it seen easily through technology, and fellow artists are getting in contact with each other over media resulting in them collaborating in projects! I've made collabs with people I've never met in real life through chatting and facetime and sending film clips back and forth. Artists can connect globally on projects now. One of the great things that the media offers for artists is that they can reach large audiences fast, and get their artwork out there and talked about. Technology has made film making and vlogging possible with just a phone, so many more people can make art without the need for expensive or specialist equipment.

Creative hat on here… what is one piece of technology that doesn't exist yet that you'd love to see invented?


Where can people find out more about your work?

My website is a good starting place you can read my blogs on there and I have links to other digital media platforms that I use for my art. All the episodes of My Little Sister (who happens to have Down's syndrome) are available on Vimeo On Demand, you can watch them here:


Tom Inniss

Tom Inniss Voice Team

Tom is the Editor of Voice. He is a politics graduate and holds a masters in journalism, with particular interest in youth political engagement and technology. He is also a mentor to our Voice Contributors, and champions our festivals programme, including the reporter team at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

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