Top tip 8: Is that my reflection?

Tip: Make a plan, keep a diary, review on video, think. It's what Arts Award's about (as well as art). Enjoy watching Dom working out his strengths and weaknesses!

Top tip 8: Is that my reflection?

When doing Arts Award it's very easy to focus on your weaknesses. When choosing what you want to develop, especially in Silver and Gold, as artists we instantly go to all the things we think we're bad at…because we're all artists and thats what we do! We can always list our weaknesses before our strengths and the weaknesses usually outweigh the strengths.

For me personally, this is because I don't like to talk about my strengths because I feel as though I'm bragging. But, through Arts Award, I've come to realise that it isn't bragging at all — it's good to be proud of your strengths.

Arts Award is a great way to express yourself and develop your work on something you love as an individual, and because you pick the things that you love — whether that be acting or music or drawing — because you love it, there are going to be things that you're good at.

But, then there are going to be things that you think you're bad at. The thing is, this shouldn't actually be a negative thing. All you need to do is take the things that you think you're bad at, or the things that aren't your strongest point and use them to improve even further! As an artist you can be very critical of your work, which is someways good, because you always want to be better and want to always improve, but this can become an endless circle and you have to learn to be happy with the work you produce! Start viewing your supposed weaknesses as just another stepping stone to becoming an even better artist.

Knowing your strengths as a performer or an artist is very important! You need to know what you're good at so you can make sure you keep working on that to make sure you keep it up to scratch, and don't let it drop. This also works for weaknesses, if you didn't know what your weaknesses were, then you wouldn't be able to spend time and work on them. So don't ignore your weaknesses, embrace them and improve them. Work on your weaknesses, admire your strengths!

There's a series of videos on YouTube called 'Dom's Arts Award' and in it the teacher mentions a process called 'two ticks and a wish' which is something I also used whilst doing my Arts Award. Think of two things that you're already good at — it can be simple things like, 'I'm good at learning lines' or ' I can draw really well' — but remember, even the strengths you think are small are still strengths! Once you know your two strengths you can tick them off. Next is your wish, your wish is something you want to improve on whilst doing your Arts Award. By doing this you give yourself something to work towards, something to achieve in a positive way!

Read all of our top tips here.



Ashlee Brown

Ashlee Brown Activist

My name is Ashlee, I'm 23 from the North West. I'm an actor and hope to go into a career of TV and Film. My experience with arts award so far has took me on a journey, full of developing new skills and meeting new people. Keep an eye on my profile for blogs on events I attend, reviews and advice!

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