4 July 2017
Dancing Through Distress - The Gender Struggles in the Dance Industry
I am student studying the Gold Arts Award. For this Arts Issue, I have decided to focus on the gender stereotypes and the struggles young men and women face when going into the dance industry. I decided to research deeper into this issue after receiving a comment from a family member regarding an all boys performance at a recent showcase.
4 July 2017
Why some parents do not want their child taking art based subjects at GCSE/ A Level?
I have discussed the issue of why some parents do not want their child taking art form based subjects at GCSE/A Level as there are many different opinions on this. The reason I went into detail about this subject is because I was curious to see what other people's opinion was on this topic for my Gold Arts Award.
4 July 2017
Why is dance so underrated in schools?
I'm a Gold Arts Award student and for my Arts Issue I've looked at why people don't support dance in schools. It is a very important topic to me and I have enjoyed looking into it further.
4 July 2017
Do the arts benefit the elderly?
As the world ages it also creates more wonderful ideas to enhance the lives of the living. In this article I am discussing the benefits of the arts and how they make a large impact on the lives of many. I am very interested in this topic and have written this for my Gold Arts Award!
3 July 2017
Questiong The Stigma Held Within Ballet
This is a subject that has always interested me from my own personal experiences with ballet and my general interests in the art altogether. I decided to write this arts issue for my gold arts award as its something that has always been such an issue within the world of ballet and dance itself as an art form overall and I felt so passionate about it and wanted to share this with others to see what they thought.
3 July 2017
Going For Gold
Being 8 months down the line in my apprenticeship, I've taken some time to reflect on how Arts Award has impacted me as a young person, and looking back over my journey so far in going for my gold arts award qualification.
3 July 2017
Is Dance a Sport or an Art?
There has always been an ongoing debate about whether dance is a sport or an art and there are a variety of social groups who have opposing views. I believe that dance is both a sport and an art however I'm interested to get a variety of view points for my Gold Arts Award!
1 July 2017
Is Art as important as academic subjects?
What are the Arts? What are academics? And why is there a division between two respectively creative fields?
29 June 2017
Being a U2 fan under 20
U2? Aren't they that band from the 90s? Sure, but that doesn't mean millennials can't enjoy their music too...
26 June 2017
20 lessons taught by the Harry Potter series
On the twentieth anniversary of the release of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Voice Reporters look back on lessons learnt.
25 June 2017
Highlights from Katherine Parkinson's Theatre Royal Haymarket masterclass
As part of the Theatre Royal Haymarket's 'Masterclass' series, wherein a master of the theatre world comes to offer aspiring Thespians, award winning actress Katherine Parkinson took to the stage.
25 June 2017
Sunday schmoozing with The Monobox
"Any actor would be a fool not to visit The Monobox." - Joseph Marcell.
23 June 2017
Theresa May is the leader we need for Brexit
This general election has demonstrated May's worth at the negotiating table in Brussels
21 June 2017
Practitioners Of My New Art Form
Learning new skills with Practitioners.
21 June 2017
Sharing (your new art form) Is Caring
Sharing my new art form with other Arts Award students.