29 October 2016
The iPad Orchestra at the Mozilla Festival
Inspiring young children and offering a stepping stone into world of music.
28 October 2016
‘Everything I’m not made me everything I am!’
During the summer I did a bit of thinking and wrote a blog about what the last 3 years have given me.
25 October 2016
Get gold with a digital influence
Well it's been a busy month! And I'm really looking forward to the next couple. Why? Not because Christmas is coming. Not even because I've got a week's holiday with friends booked. But because I'll get to experience my first Mozilla Festival.
24 October 2016
Conducting A “Chat”: A look at the effect of accents
The term 'Accent' describes the combination of intonation, stress and rhythm of someone's speech. Everyone has an accent. London, in particular the Queen's English, are in the top 20% of the nation's favourite accents! What are the consequences of our society classing accents?
19 October 2016
Getting digital with Arts Award and Mozfest
On the final day of the Mozfest Fringe and with the festival just 10 days away, today we are introducing MozEx. MoxEx is an art exhibition with a 21st century Twist for Mozfest. It has been created by Tate Digital Learning and the Digital Programmes team at the V&A
17 October 2016
The Actor and… Learning Lines
Learning lines for actors is like Marmite that's gone off - everyone definitely hates it. However...
12 October 2016
Seeing Art in the World around us
Art changes how every individual views the world. Whether abstract or conventional, it needs to be seen through a fresh pair of eyes before it can be explored and appreciated. How do we do this?
10 October 2016
The Actor and... Rehearsals
Let's face it, we can't ALL be as good as Pierce Brosnan in Mamma Mia!, however...
5 October 2016
An introduction: The Arts & Anti-bullying
The anti-bullying movement should be one of the most advantageous and viral campaigns in the world. But often we forget that art can help victims and perpetrators of bullying overcome more obstacles than imaginable.
30 September 2016
To pimp a Birmingham: curse of the second city
After 14 years in Birmingham and almost seven years in the creative scene i want to share my views to why I think my city is cursed.
13 September 2016
Art shouldn't break the bank
Accessibility in the arts is a constantly ongoing debate. Ellen Orange explore why she thinks art needs to be more accessible.
10 September 2016
Get Gold with a little inspiration
Are you facing that dreary thought of heading back to school, college or university? Maybe the simple fact that you leave work and it's already getting dark again? Maybe you need a little shimmer of hope to help you through - maybe a shimmer of Gold!
8 September 2016
The 30 Most Polarising Films of the 21st Century
The folks at Obscure Movie Stats have put together the 30 films of the 21st century that divide opinion the most.
8 September 2016
Being a Young Arts Writer: Ellen Orange
Ellen Orange reflects on her experience as a young arts writer and her top tips for getting involved
2 September 2016
Being a Young Art Writer - Idriss Assoumanou
I never saw myself as a writer; coming to England from a different country I never had the advantage in language. Writing, to me, was always going to be a weakness. But as I sit here, ironically writing this while eating my bowl of granola, I look back at my first year at Voice and think of how excited I felt after writing my first how to guide.