Five things to try this virtual Valentines

The protection many people are using this year for Valentine’s day is being in a different place – which sucks, badly. If you find yourself a virtual valentine here are a five ideas to make the most of a different kind of Valentines.

Five things to try this virtual Valentines

The best way to show someone that you care is how much thought and creativity you can invest making this virtual Valentine’s day not simply different but special. So many of the articles you find online give solutions to lockdown romance exclusively to those who live together, which is obviously uncommon for younger couples. So, while trying to figure out what to do this year myself, I made the following list of 5 virtual Valentines’ activities.

1.Mario Kart Tour

For better or for worse, long gone are the days of sending each other long handwritten letters and love poems while dating. We now live in the age of promising each other they would be destroyed if they challenged you in Mario Kart. Well, with this free app now you can play anywhere if you have an  internet connection. Mario Kart Tour is available for both apple and android users for free in their respective app stores. Although playing with your mobile isn't quite the same nostalgia rush as it may otherwise be with your console, while in multiplayer feature, the game allows you to video call while you use the app. However, before you can access multiplayer you first must complete one cup on single player - so be sure to download it a little ahead of time.

2. Spotify Session

A relatively new feature to Spotify is the ability to invite other accounts to a session where you can both listen to the same music in real time. For information on how to create a session Spotify has their own simple instructions on their website here. What you should play during your session is obviously a lot more personal but if nothing instantly comes to mind, I have a suggestion. Find a song that means something to the two of you or just a song you both really like and create a new album with it. If you can think of more than one special song, great. If not, no problem. Once you have created your album scroll to the bottom and see what other songs are suggested to go with the songs already on the play list. Create your playlist around the vibe, the theme of love - however you want.

3.Virtual Escape rooms

For those of you who love puzzles and want to be locked in an escape room without the risk of exposure to the pandemic, virtual escape is just the thing you need. There are honestly so many different options I won't provide a link because with google you should be able to find them and (algorithm willing) the ones most tailored to your interests. Some you will find in google drives and are a series of sequential puzzles. Others involve a real world escape room using a staff member with a camera on their head live streaming to you as you direct them through the room, using them as a proxy to solve puzzles of a real escape room from home. It’s important to note that these escape rooms usually require you to have access to Zoom or Microsoft teams to play.

4. Scener

Everyone knows that watching a series or a film together is a date night staple and having been in lockdown for as long as we have by now, we've all heard of Netflix party. It's the chrome extension that enables you to watch Netflix in sync with up to eight users in total while video calling, a god send for lockdown. Scener works using the same design as Netflix party but can operate with Netflix and other streaming services like Amazon Prime, Hulu, HBO max, Disney+ and more. If you like the sound of those but don't have any spare cash for subscriptions, don't worry, they all offer free trails.

5. Super Cook

Cooking a meal for your significant other is a time-honoured way of showing you care from its preparation to serving it on a plate it's all about intimacy. This virtual Valentines the lack of a person’s physical presence can make it hard to enjoy cooking a meal together or for one another. So, this year why not try making a meal against one another? Even if your kitchen skills are extremely limited the website super cook is here to help. Once on the website (Over Zoom) enter the ingredients you have in your kitchen, the website will then tell you what you can make and give you recipes. A suggestion for the competitive couples may be to try letting your partner decide what you are going to cook from the list Supercook gives and vice versa. You could try something quite simple or attempt to outdo each other in a full 3 course meal. Don't be put off if the units of measurement or names for certain ingredients are different as the site is American so there maybe the occasional thing you need to search.

This year Valentine’s day isn't going to be anyone's ideal but the important thing is to spend the time together if you can. Remember to love yourselves, stay safe and let me know if you'd like another 5 before the day.


Hector Macduff

Hector Macduff Kickstart Team

23 year old actor/writer/creative living in Manchester new member to the Voice team

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  • Ophelia Appleby

    On 17 February 2021, 00:59 Ophelia Appleby Kickstart Team commented:

    never mind valentines, I'm gonna try some of these with my pals, virtual escape rooms seems like exactly our kind of weird nerdy fun..

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