My (lockdown) morning routine!

It’s super hard to stay motivated in lockdown when you have no schedule, but one of the best things you can do to improve both your productivity and your mental health is having a morning routine to set you up for the day!

My (lockdown) morning routine!

It’s super hard to stay motivated in lockdown when you have no schedule, but one of the best things you can do to improve both your productivity and your mental health is having a morning routine to set you up for the day! Here’s mine… (you don’t have to copy it but just to give you some ideas)

Firstly, I wake up kind of early (at least in lockdown terms) - I make sure I don’t sleep in past 8:30 unless it’s a one-off and I’ve been up late the night before. I like to start by NOT TOUCHING MY PHONE (I know it’s hard) and just spending the first few moments of my day in quiet, doing some gentle stretches in bed and getting up to open the curtains when I feel up to it.

After I’ve settled into the day, I will go downstairs to make breakfast. It’s the most important meal of the day, people, so don’t skip it! I like to have porridge or oats and a cup of tea. Also drinking plenty of water will help you wake up and get your digestion started for the day.

While I’m eating, I take time out to read or watch YouTube or listen to music or podcasts. I don’t have a job (other than making music!) so I try not to feel bad about relaxing for the first part of my day - it’s not a bad thing! Then, when I feel full and have chilled a bit to start digesting, I will do some exercise. Nothing too crazy, but I like to start the day with a bit of a boogie to keep my spirits up. You can check my Tik Tok feed for some inspo for moves!

Once I’ve danced, it’s time to start the day - I’ll make a coffee and get on with whatever I feel like I need to get done. That’s it, it doesn’t have to be big or complicated, but make sure you get in some quiet time and some movement and eat! No big secrets here!

Stay safe everyone xo

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Allegra World

Allegra World

Hi! My name is Allegra, and I am a singer-songwriter and musician. I am going to be using my profile to talk about my life, my music, and what ever I feel passionate I suppose!

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