Get Gold with Politics - a blog by Emrys

Polictics is key to life. Our democratic system is the cornerstone of our society. And arts are a foundation upon which to build. You should embrace politics, and make of it what you will.

Get Gold with Politics - a blog by Emrys

I'm sorry that I am again slightly late on posting my blog, the next paragraph was written weeks ago. But I've been embroiled in my own political game of reporting to funders about projects, and setting things up for a further great year of voice. Now, the mere mention of politics is stigmatised as a social no for many people. But I'm afraid politics plays a big role in all our lives.

It also provides much material for artists of all kinds. Satire opportunities for comedians, drama for actors, inspiration for painters and even characters to influence movement choreographers. Yes and more besides.

This month has seen a large array of opinions and content which I hope you've found useful when considering the impending elections.

I'm sorry if you're under 18 and can't yet use this new found knowledge to vote, but I assure you that there are many more ways to put your opinion across. Of course this site is one outlet, but the arts offers many more opportunities. If you feel strongly about something, then find an opportunity to share those feelings. Maybe organise an event to raise awareness.

I recently organised a project that did just this, highlighting the plight some young carers face and how the politics and bureaucracy impacts on the quality and availability of support. We turned this in to a theatre production, with the ongoing aim of touring it to schools to raise awareness of hidden young carers, and the support they can access. Our editor, Emily, reviewed a sharing of the show.

Organising events & projects like this were something I learnt how to do when doing my own Arts Award's, a few years ago admittedly. They were a key driving force in developing my skills and allowing me to frame my learning. I'd already been interested in event production, but setting my self the challenge of learning new technical skills for my Silver award meant I had to crack on with many more shows, I attending formal training in lighting, I learnt how to do a useful knot and many more besides. At Gold level I focussed on learning a lot more about Arts Management, and in Unit 2 I put on an event. All opportunities and experiences that have led me to today, and my ability to make political points through the arts without being a particularly talented performer on stage.

I've seen some wonderful theatre and dance which address points of equality, oppression and war over the years. Perhaps raising subtle points of politics, and some not so subtle. So, as part of your own Unit 1 Part A - Extending your own arts practice. Maybe your new creation could be a piece expressing a political statement?

Let me sign-off today's post with this. If you are 18+ then I urge you to have your voice and vote in this week's election. I already have (a postal vote incase I was off for a meeting on polling day) and I do consider it a civic duty, but also very important as a grounding for making statements throughout the term of government. If you don't participate when given the chance, then you've got ground to make up. If you're under 18, then I urge you to sign-up with the Votes at 16 campaign and have your voice heard still!

Need a hand with voting? See Emily's guide at:


Emrys Green

Emrys Green Voice Team

Emrys is the Business & Projects manager at Upstart who runs Voice.

Alongside managing Voice and its related programmes of work Emrys manages web builds and live events through his own pursuits - with a wide encapsulation of the arts sector. Theatre, Dance, Circus, Spoken Word and a combination of contemporary and shakespearean work would all be in his wheelhouse.

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