Unit 2E: Arts Leadership Project Reflection

A reflection on the outcome of our project.

Overall, I thought the fashion show was successful, although there were a few things we might've changed. At the beginning of the project I lacked confidence in teaching new art forms, whereas now I feel as though I have taught and managed several informative sessions with younger year groups, which has not only boosted my confidence, but I feel more confident in my own abilities also. The planning process has led me to be more organised which makes me a more capable leader as well. Despite not finishing the project  on my own with an outcome that may have been more relevant to my new art form, I believe that being part of a group allowed for me to better develop my teamwork abilities and communication. Having my own role also meant I could grow independently as an arts leader. 

I think our initial project plan was detailed, but we weren't prepared for the amount of issues that could arise. The fashion show itself was successful. A lot of people attended, and with lighting, music and set design we set a vibrant atmosphere that the audience appeared to enjoy. The models on the day were nervous, and didn't walk as slow or as long as we'd hoped, meaning the show was only 15 minutes long. This was something that was recurring in the feedback. As a team we decided we were right to not charge, as the length of the show was probably not worth it. 

I think the main thing that would improve the project further would be organisation. If we had organised models sooner, arranged a dress rehearsal, and in general felt like we weren't working under such stress, I think our mindset would have been even clearer and the show would have been more successful. I did think it was risky to go ahead with the show after some areas of the show were more prepared than others, but going ahead with it did not turn out to be as unprofessional as I'd thought, and I'm glad we made the team decision to go ahead. 


Harriet Overell

Harriet Overell

I am 17 years old and hope to pursue Video Game Design as a career path. I hope to attend university later this year, and use my place in the game design community to inspire others as much as previous games have inspired me.
(Profile picture is concept art by Cedric Peyravernay)

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  • Luke Taylor

    On 23 April 2018, 10:58 Luke Taylor Contributor commented:

    This is good reflection. Do you plan on running more events like these in the future?

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