5 things about the centipede arcade game

This blog is about the arcade game,Centipede.

In this blog there will be 5 facts written about the game that was created before the year 2000

The aim of this blog is to help you learn stuff you didn't already know about this game.

5 things about the centipede arcade game

1) The game was created in 1980 by a company called Atari incorporated.

2) When you play Centipede you should always aim for the centipede's head.

3) The centipede is not the only nasty creature you need to watch out for. There are the scorpion (which poisons the mushroom therefore the centipede drops straight down at the player),the spider(moves down in a zig-zag formation occasionally eating some of the mushrooms,and finally the fleas (they move down vertically leaving mushrooms where they drop, they appear only when the player has fewer than 5 mushrooms in their movement area).

4) Players can earn more lives depending on what score they get up to, however the maximum lives they can have is 6. This is because they could carry on getting high scores and get more lives. In addition to this, the maximum points you can get up to is nine-hundred and ninety nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine.

5) A cool fact is that you can't jump in Centipede due to the fact that when the flea drops down, the mushroom could be at head height so as a result you cant jump. Therefore, there is no point in jumping in Centipede, as there is no need.

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Niam Patel

Niam Patel

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  • Luke Taylor

    On 20 February 2017, 10:59 Luke Taylor Contributor commented:

    Great facts! Would love to see more game-related stuff on this site :)

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