
An American holiday but perhaps a lesson we could all take on board


We have all seen thanksgiving featured in TV shows like Friends or How I Met Your Mother etc. As it's an American holiday, we don't really celebrate it here in the UK. However, I think that the concept of Thanksgiving, coming together to be thankful for what we have, is something that the whole world should share.

In a time when we can see parts of the world in chaos, destruction and politics walking hand in hand, people fearing for their safety, we need to stand together as one. We need to remember that we are lucky that we don't have bombs exploding around the corner from our work, we are not awoken at night by the sound of fighter jets or Nuclear alarms. We are asleep in a warm, safe place, a luxury that many others no longer share.

We need to remember that we can wander into a store and check out the new iPhone, buy Christmas decorations, enjoy the black Friday sale, because we can afford to do so. We are constantly being sold something and told that we need more. It's important to take a step back now and then and remember that you already have so much.

To me, this holiday isn't just about an event that happened in American history. It's a lesson to everyone that we need to stop wanting and take a moment to be happy with what we have. Be it our families, our partners, our friends, our pets, our job or our possessions, we all have at least one thing that we are thankful for.

Me, I'm lucky, I have several reasons to stop and be thankful for my life. So take a moment and think about what makes you happy every day of your life and say thanks.


Grace McCabe

Grace McCabe Contributor

Arts Award Voice - Local JournalistGrace is a Theatre and Drama graduate currently working in London. She loves writing, the arts and is a musician in her spare time.

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  • Luke Taylor

    On 27 November 2017, 13:52 Luke Taylor Contributor commented:

    Great reminder, Grace.

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