A lighter take on the news

Another week, another lighter take on the news!

A lighter take on the news

True to his word - he can keep it when he chooses to - Tony Blair has decided to give his tuppence worth of unsolicited advice on Brexit.

Personally, I think that Tony Blair trying to advise Britain on strategies to negotiate Brexit, is like a firefighter starting a fire and then rushing to put it out. What a hero!

Does he have a motive or is he just missing not being in the public eye? Perhaps he wants to be popular again. Impossible to imagine, I know, but he was popular a long, long time ago.

If that is the case, I have three words for Mr. Blair - Strictly Come Dancing. The show that fast tracks contestants on the road to popularity. Just ask Mr. Balls.

Of course TB could never replicate 'Gangnam Style' a la Balls - that will always belong to EB but I can see him Salsa-ing to 'Despacito'.

I do apologise if that has created a mental image you would rather not have.

From one favourite show to another - 'The Great British Bake Off'. To start with, I sulked and did not watch the first episode of this series. I dug my heels in and vowed to not watch it this year.

No Mel, no Sue and no Mary- I thought that was most contrary. But then my sources (my girls) informed me that it was just as good on channel 4, so I threw loyalty to the wind and promptly caught up on demand 4 and have thoroughly enjoyed it since.

Unfortunately, there also appears to be a spin off - 'The Great British Fake Off'- starring Paul Hollywood, the baking world's very own George Clooney. Fifteen years ago, Paul Hollywood dressed as the Nazi character from the TV series 'allo,'allo' at a fancy dress party!

This appears to be reason enough for him to be pilloried by the media. He is very contrite and has apologised (unlike an ex-PM and Brexit). Also, there is the little detail that Paul Hollywood's grandfather fought the Nazis. I think it's doubly cruel since he doesn't have Mary Berry's delicate shoulder to cry on.

Tut, tut people, save your vitriol for the real white supremacists, not a celebrity baker!

Until next week, try and keep it light!

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Rena  de Souza

Rena de Souza

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  • Luke Taylor

    On 19 September 2017, 10:18 Luke Taylor Contributor commented:

    This is a great read! Can't wait to see more :)

  • Rena  de Souza

    On 19 September 2017, 17:23 Rena de Souza commented:

    Thank You! I usually post at the weekend :)

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