This is not how you advertise a female superhero!

Strong, Independent, Powerful, Intelligent, Brave

This is not how you advertise a female superhero!

These are all words that we want people to associate with the upcoming Wonder Woman movie. Women can be strong, they can change the world and they can stand up for what they believe is right.

With this in mind, why on earth has someone from the Warner Bros marketing team decided the best way to promote this new movie is through diet bars. "Think Thin" is not a slogan I want to consider whilst I watch a strong female superhero. Why does she have to think thin? The combination of these two ideas sickens me. Yes you can diet if you want, but it should be because you choose to do that, it shouldn't be because you have to be thin to be powerful. Unfortunately, this new marketing scheme highlights all the wrong aspects of the movie.

Instead of focussing on the inner beauty and strength of the main character, everyone will now be focussing on getting skinny "like Wonder Woman". Initially it was argued that Gal Gadot was "too skinny" to play the character and yet now they are using her image to once again emphasise society's expectation of what a woman should look like.

I have absolutely nothing against dieting, so long as you are being healthy and doing it for the right reasons then good for you my friend. My problem with this is the link between the two ideals. For years we women have been told that we should have curves, we shouldn't have curves, big hips are great, big hips are bad, short hair is sexy, long hair is sexy, no makeup is the hottest, lots of makeup is the best. The constant struggle to match what society wants us to look like takes effort and money and is frankly exhausting.

Why can't we be strong like Wonder Woman and curvy? Why can't we be plus size? What is wrong with people who aren't a size 8? Nothing is the answer. If you are healthy and comfortable with who you are then you are a wonderful woman and there is no need to "Think Thin". Think healthy and happy instead.

Bad move Warner Bros, bad move!


Grace McCabe

Grace McCabe Contributor

Arts Award Voice - Local JournalistGrace is a Theatre and Drama graduate currently working in London. She loves writing, the arts and is a musician in her spare time.

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  • Luke Taylor

    On 24 May 2017, 10:22 Luke Taylor Contributor commented:

    (Screams hallelujah)

  • Jen  Farrant

    On 25 May 2017, 11:17 Jen Farrant Staff commented:

    I totally agree with you Grace - dreadful on so many levels. I despair

  • Bhavesh Jadva

    On 27 May 2017, 10:16 Bhavesh Jadva Voice Team commented:

    What a dreadful move its like something from Mad Men!

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