Sealed Fate

Unit 1 Part A

Sealed Fate

Here's the link to the final animation:

Rose Edmonston (@roosillustrationsandcreations) | Instagram profile   

Sealed Fate is a rotoscope animation I completed for part A of my Gold Arts Award using Procreate and Premiere Pro. It took over three months of trial and error and learning but I loved every second of it.

This is a user generated post from our Arts Award on Voice community and was not edited by the Voice team. We would love to hear your views too! Sign up for an account and make your Voice heard!


  • Charlotte Ralph

    On 23 November 2023, 14:20 Charlotte Ralph commented:

    What a fantastic final piece for all your hard work! It's brilliant to see how your illustration skills have been used in this piece - with each frame clearly being hand drawn, (I bet your hand ached after all those sketches!) You've managed to give the seal a real character and the sound track also ties in well with the subject matter. I look forward to reading your personal reflection on this project.
    Great work!

  • Emma Welch

    On 28 November 2023, 14:25 Emma Welch commented:

    Wow Rose, this is an amazing piece of work and really show how much all your hard work has paid off. Congratulations!

  • Matilda Flood

    On 30 November 2023, 10:11 Matilda Flood commented:

    Rose, you can see just how hard you have worked on this. It's a fantastic animation and you should be proud of what you have been able to accomplish.

  • Vanessa Crew

    On 18 June 2024, 12:07 Vanessa Crew commented:

    You can really tell how much hard work and detail has gone into this animation! Really beautiful end result with the obvious appearance of hand illustration and the watercolour details.

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