Stacey Jackson Releases Acoustic Version of 'Soldier'

In the delicate echoes of Stacey Jackson’s latest acoustic rendition, ‘Soldier’, a transcendent tale, casting a spell that lingers in the heart.

Stacey Jackson Releases Acoustic Version of 'Soldier'

Stripped of the upbeat 80s-inspired bop, this acoustic track shows off the raw core of Jackson’s musicality, unveiling a vulnerability that gracefully harmonises with cello arrangements.

The simplicity of the piano and emotive cello orchestrations allows Jackson’s voice to emerge as the true highlight, a captivating force that takes centre stage without the distraction of flashy beats. As the grandiose backing vocals gradually elevate the track’s resonance, ‘Soldier’ becomes a profound calling. 

Delving into the personal narrative behind the track, Jackson’s words echo a golden truth “We all have different characters to ourselves, wearing multiple hats and what feels like different lives at times! However, no matter who you are to people, you are always and only YOU for yourself. And there is only one REAL you. In every scenario, you must be your own soldier. We all have to be true to ourselves no matter who is counting on us because we could never be a great parent, great at our jobs, a great sibling, friend or partner until we are true to ourselves.”

Stacey Jackson, a multi-faceted talent, unveils a breathtaking duality with this acoustic version, showcasing a depth that transcends the glitz and glamour of her pop-dance 80s-inspired discography. ‘Soldier’ emerges as a timeless ballad, not just for its sonic beauty but for the profound human connection it forges through its poignant lyrics and soul-stirring melody.

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Poppy Laine

Poppy Laine

Music and lifestyle writer focusing on the up-and-coming music scene and life reviews. Get in touch with me at if you have something that you think I might like!

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