Leonardo Da Vinci

The history of Leonardo Da Vinci 

Bronze Arts Award 

Part C 

I made a scrap book presentation to reflect on Part C of the Bronze Arts Award

I have read the following books:

1. "13 artists children should know" by Angela Wenzel.

2. "Leonardo da Vinci" by Stephen Krensky, part of DK life stories

3. "Leonardo da Vinci" by Paul Rockett, part of Inspiring artists series

From these books I learned that Leonardo Da Vinci was a true genuis. His brilliant and innovative mind makes him a role model for many generations. He was known as a true master of his craft, famous for masterpieces like Mona Lisa. Also he was known to be a kind man who loved animals and despised wars. His attitide to observation and details was outstanding, as well as his curiosity for knowledge and these are the things i want to use in my own journey


Lillyan Ganchev

Lillyan Ganchev

I am a child from London, interested in the Arts.
I have achieved the Discover and Explore Arts Award in 2023 and completed the Bronze Arts Award earlier in 2024.
I am looking forward to being able to research more arty stuff for the Silver Award.

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