Part A - Take part - Colourful Eagle with ArtBase

I took part in painting workshops with Artbase and this is my experience about them.

Describe the arts activity you took part in:

I took part in ArtBase after school club zoom sessions to paint a colourful eagle. That is part of a 6 weeks 6 sessions (6hrs guided learning) course and the picture/video showcase here took 2 sessions (2hrs) to complete this particular Colourful Eagle project.

Part one took place on the 18th of April 2023 and I drew the eagle and painted the background.

Part two took place  on the 25th of April 2023 and I painting the eagle.

Record you doing your arts activity here:

Please view picture gallery for pictures and videos of me taking part this art activity.

What did you learn?

I learnt how to draw a flying eagle, how to blend using white paint and adding a little bit of water. Using my brush to do smaller stokes at the end of the eagle wings so it looks like they have feathers.

How was your interest and knowledge developed?

My drawing and painting skills are better. I love even more painting and drawing and hope to improve even more. I am looking forward to more sessions. I also learnt that I prefer watercolour for blending over acrylic.

My knowledge in painting developed as I found out new technique to blend and improve my painting skills. I asked a question about it to the tutor and she advised me to rince my brush a bit more and add more white paint and that did improved my painting and my painting skills.

List 3 or more things you enjoyed doing and why

1- I enjoyed using a range of colour to paint to experiment various colour blending 

2- I enjoyed viewing other participants work as this help me judge my own painting 

3- I enjoyed splashing the paint at the end it was fun to do

Describe what art skills you developed

I know understand how to use the brush to blend and to create smaller lines in the same direction. I got to mix colours and develop more colour blending skills as a result. I also to communicate with my tutor and ask questions so my communication skills was also used.

Describe how you have improved your art skills

I received a positive feedback from the tutor who told me how my blending using white was good. I am happy with the finishing art work and was happy to get good feedback on my progress from the tutor.

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Dalila Letaief

Dalila Letaief

I love arts and drama, and am currently learning to play piano. I am also part of two clubs a performing art club and a visual art club.

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