How to be Successful by Becoming your Authentic Self with Stuart Mullins

Last Wednesday, the Kickstarters had the opportunity to attend a zoom workshop 'How to be Successful by Becoming your Authentic Self' with Stuart Mullins - a freelance coach who works closely with some of the kickstarters throughout their journey. This blog post will be an overview of the session and the top tips Stuart gave to combating your self limiting beliefs. 

How to be Successful by Becoming your Authentic Self with Stuart Mullins

‘How to be Successful by Becoming your Authentic self!’ was a workshop offered to Kickstarters to understand the impact of how certain events such as: being rejected by a partner/ overlooked for a job or unfairly treated by a parent. 

These events that may happen in our lives can impact us and how we view ourselves and we can create meanings attached to these events that could become the way it is or the way it always will be. These stories stop ourselves from becoming our authentic self and stop us from becoming successful. So this workshop was designed to help us switch the narrative and become the authentic self, that is powerful and unstoppable! 

The workshop focused on the self limiting beliefs we can tell ourselves in life that stop us from succeeding and becoming unstoppable in all we do. In order to break the cycle of self limiting beliefs Stuart led us through a 6 step activity which focused on noticing the way we respond to our limiting belief

The first step is called Belief which is where you identify a self limiting belief you believe of yourself or that you feel holds you back in life. This can be easy for some and very difficult for others. Hopefully this activity will get you thinking and be able to identify one. If you have identified a self limiting belief you may notice the language you use when thinking/ talking about this belief. For example: you may say things like ‘I always’, ‘I never’, ‘I can’t’, ‘It won’t happen’ etc. 

The second step is called Genesis -  this is where you reflect on where this belief may have come from. This could be the first time you remember feeling this way or thinking this thought. This could even be a specific event or period in your life that you remember making you feel this way.

The third step: Function - is where you reflect on what purpose this belief serves in your life and whether there are any ‘needs’ attached to this thought (also explore whether these needs can be met elsewhere). Another aspect to explore is whether the belief is still relevant in your life today. 

The fourth step; Behaviour explores what behaviours present themselves as a result of this belief. Also reflect upon what affect this might have on your life - what might work/ life be like if you didn’t hold onto this belief. 

The fifth step is called Re-frame which focuses on what evidence you have to support this belief. Can you counter this evidence? For example; has there ever been a time you have done what you thought impossible? From this what language can you use to substitute and reframe this belief empowering you to do what you thought impossible. 

Finally, the sixth step is called Challenge - which is the notion of you challenging this self limiting belief when you next time you find yourself repeating the negative thought/ idea to yourself. 

This activity is designed to help you identify and work through a self limiting belief you feel impacts your life and ability to succeed. This process can also be done with a close friend who you may feel comfortable sharing your thoughts with, where one of you asks the other the questions or prompts above and the other answers. 

Whatever way you choose to perform this activity it is important to note that many people have more than one self limiting belief they may find impact their lives and so this is something you can apply to all but don’t overwhelm yourself with trying to achieve too much too quickly. This is a process that will take time and that will come with its own challenges but will be very rewarding. 

If you are a kickstarter and this is something you are interested in and would like to participate in a future workshop with Stuart get in touch with [email protected] or keep an eye out for future opportunities on the Kickstarter Support Slack channel. 

Header Image Credit: Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash


Olivia Wyatt

Olivia Wyatt Kickstart

Olivia Wyatt is the business and projects assistant at Voice. She is a recent Education Studies graduate from Manchester Metropolitan University. She loves expanding her knowledge in anything and everything. You can find her reading everything in sight or bending over backwards trying new yoga flows.

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