How to use social media for trading by James Berg

This blog post will briefly outline the tips and tricks Picaroons explored in their social media webinar lead by James Berg, the Founder and Content Strategist for Picaroons.

How to use social media for trading by James Berg

Who are Picaroons:

Picaroons are a content marketing company built on Pirate principles who claim to increas your sales, donations or leads. Picaroons want to challenge the norms of content marketing, allowing companies no matter how big or small reach their goals and use social media successfully.

How to use social media for trading 

  • Have a plan
  • Be create 
  • Schedule in advance 
  • Engage
  • Learn

How to create a plan: 

  • Select one or two platforms to focus on initially - e.g. Twitter and Instagram
  • State the objective(s) of using social media for your company - e.g. increase sales/ connect with possible partners/ promote events/ build awareness
  • State who your target audience is - e.g. Young people/ Organisations interesting in Youth Voice
  • What is your audiences main challenge/ need - 
  • Choose your content type (one to two only) - e.g. Inspirations/ Education/ Attention Seeking/ Entertaining 
  • Select the tone of your content - e.g. Wise/ Teacher/ Hero

Be creative: 

  • Create - Create content specific to your organisation/ objectives and audience 
  • Curate - Share others work similar to your own (credit those whose work your share)

What to create:

  • Collaborate - work with others to create joint content to reach wider audiences and create relationships with other organisations 
  • Content about the brand - create content about who you are and share content from other organisations who do similar work to raise awareness of the brand

Ideas checklists:

  • Why would someone be interested in what you’re sharing 
  • Does the content scratch? - e.g. is this something you can talk about/ share long term
  • Use HITS - Human (relatable), Interesting (relevant), Timely, Smart.
  • Tell your story - Take people on the journey of where you’ve come from and where you are now (small drips of information to build your brand/ ethos)
  • Mix it up - Not everyone likes the same content and not everyone wants to see the content constantly

Save inspiring content: 

  • Use Twitter Lists
  • Save buttons
  • Bookmarks


Use software such as;

  • Hootsuite 
  • Later 
  • Buffer

Have consistency - decide how often you want to/ are able to post - e.g. daily, weekly, monthly


  • With other organisations/ small businesses 
  • Your audience
  • Events 
  • Opportunities 
  • Reply to comments and messages - build a community 
  • Comment on other organisations posts 
  • Be human - be relatable 
  • Ask real questions


  • What works and what doesn’t - look at levels of engagement on each posts 
  • Track Exposure - if other people are sharing your content/ how many people access your website etc. from your social media - use software such as Bitly to see where people have come from
  • Track through Google Analytics 
  • Test and learn

Summary of content:

  • Find a process and style that suits you 
  • Use different tools to assist - Such as Snapseed, Google Alerts, Canva, Buffer, Social Mention

For more information or to get in touch go to or

Header Image Credit: Picaroons


Olivia Wyatt

Olivia Wyatt Kickstart

Olivia Wyatt is the business and projects assistant at Voice. She is a recent Education Studies graduate from Manchester Metropolitan University. She loves expanding her knowledge in anything and everything. You can find her reading everything in sight or bending over backwards trying new yoga flows.

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