15 January 2018
Top 5 inspirational artists to look out for in 2018
A rundown of my favourite inspirational artists of all time, from Renaissance to Instagram fame.
7 December 2017
How to form and communicate an opinion from Rants N Bants
To help us explore the best ways to form and express an opinion we got in touch with one of the most opinionated people around: Rants N Bants.
5 December 2017
The road to Brexit: A dead end?
The wheels are falling off and the sat nav has packed in
2 December 2017
Innocent until (not) proven guilty
The #metoo hashtag has sparked dozens of allegations against big names in Hollywood, but when the legal system can't adequately deal with this, what can the industry do?
10 November 2017
Womanhood: a problem you can't pay away
Sexual abuse cases have recently been tearing through Hollywood, more shockingly than ever before, showing us that there are some problems money and fame can't solve, for even the most high-powered women.
5 November 2017
What will become known as the sexual abuse uproar of 2017
There's a lot of news and comment ground to cover here. First, I'll try and fail to summarise the events briefly.
12 August 2017
Brexit the Musical
Utterly brilliant - if we have to leave the EU, at least it has given us Brexit the Musical.
23 June 2017
Theresa May is the leader we need for Brexit
This general election has demonstrated May's worth at the negotiating table in Brussels
13 June 2017
GE17: The young person's vote
With Friday's election resulting in a hung parliament, I wanted to investigate how young people voted in the 2017 General Election and how even younger people could.
12 June 2017
GE17: Sorry to burst your bubble, but we aren’t finished
Put down the champagne, there is still work to do yet.
12 June 2017
How the election went down
The election proved farcical from start to finish, and no-one is better off for it.
9 June 2017
GE17: A victory for progressive politics
Little might actually change but yesterday's vote was a huge achievement for progressive politics.
8 June 2017
GE17: Generation Rent
Young people face astronomical costs for house deposits preventing us from being able to by property like our parents did, if at all. Paired with rocketing rent costs and other financial barriers, we are making young people too dependent on their parents - for those who are lucky enough to get that support.
8 June 2017
GE17: Hands off my Human Rights
Human Rights protect us all - changing them is the first step down a slippery slope to a dystopian nightmare.
8 June 2017
GE17: Why do we hate talking about politics?
It sounds perfectly simple: just bash it out with people willing to listen. At the same time, I understand people feeling reluctant about or bored with political chat.
7 June 2017
GE17: Food for thought
Free school meals have been compulsory for over 100 years. In 2017, are we really going to vote to take a guaranteed meal out of children's mouths?
7 June 2017
GE17: What’s most important to me in this General Election?
To be considered healthy is to be in good physical and mental condition. So why do we only focus on one half of that equation?
7 June 2017
GE17: What Matters To Me
There are many issues that matter to me but in the upcoming General Election I'm going to vote based on the future I definitely don't want to see.