The country has been divided over remaining or leaving the EU. A decision has been made and the Remain side are unhappy and the Leave side happy. But as to the EU Project itself which is trying to bring the people of Europe together to become one the pain of that exercise could if and when it eventually suceeds bring a greater longer lasting peace and equality for all. Fans of the old science fiction classic Star Trek will remember the settings for the future where there is One Earth One People. Inequality, poverty and famine did not exist. The EU Project should be admired for trying to evolve this process into a reality. Many in the UK do not agree that the EU Project is ready for the current enthusiastic rapid progression to achieve this so quickly. Many countries are concerned about their loss of sovereignty to a central European bureaucracy run by people that the people of the 28 member nations no little about. There is probably no way to avoid this but there is as they say good timing for good planning. On this point the open borders for free movement of people would have been totally acceptable if the inequalities that exist so predominantly in the current UK social environment and is probably even much more apparent in many of the other EU member countries was not such a major issue. So many people who feel left behind and ignored who are more concerned about living and getting by from day to day never mind considering or accepting the EU globalisation humanitarian ambitions. The EU says the disenchanted/ fallen behind are a problem caused within the UK and therefore requires managing by the UK political system. Unfortunately they are wrong as this problem exists in many if not all of the 28 member states. If the EU wanted a platform to prove the value to its purpose, the solution or improvements to this problem would win hearts and minds everywhere. This is what should be concentrated upon before not after pushibg for the final stages of unification.
EU or not the EU
Let me know your thoughts
How would you suggest the EU fixes inequality within the member states without further EU law superseding national laws? They could recommend a national living wage but businesses would complain that it makes operating untenable. They could suggest a universal income but it would be resisted by the Governments, who argue it's unaffordable.