Winter sounds review

Review for the winter sounds concert delivered by Wandsworth music at Fairfield halls. 

Winter sounds review
  • I thought the this production was absolutely amazing. I was completely consumed with joy every second of it. There is truly no experience like sitting down in an amazing hall to watch a beautifully constructed performance. Everything from the lights, the outfits to the actual performance were all incredible. The young performers seemed to very much enjoy these Christmas  pieces they were performing which made it all worth the watch and made it even more enjoyable to watch. There is nothing that particularly stood out to me as bad for the overall performance except the fact that this performance was led by young people including a primary school choir. Therefore if you are looking for something extremely professional and strict then this would not be the performance for you. I learnt a lot from this performance. As someone who does not partake in much musical activity outside of school anymore, this was very motivating and it showed me that even though musical studies should be taken seriously you can still enjoy it and have an amazing time while meeting amazing people to perform and do what you enjoy. It was an amazing an enlightening experience. These young performers deserve so much recognition for their performances and achievements to keep watch to see if any more of their shows come up! I really urge people to get out more, go to theatres, productions, ballets, recitals and other types of musical shows, they are a one of a kind experience that I believe everyone should experience at least once in their life. 

Header Image Credit: Fairfield halls

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  • amara irono

    On 9 January 2023, 20:03 amara irono commented:

    From this review, I really enjoyed the way you described and explained the event as it made me feel as if I was really there watching it with you. I personally enjoy watching musicals and play performances but I haven't been to any recently. This review has reminded me that musicals and orchestra concerts are not only a source of entertainment but also show the effort and passion that has gone into creating these performances. I will definitely be visiting a live concert performance at the Royal Albert Hall or any concerts happening soon in London.

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