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Britex is a slap in the face to all your European neighbors. it should be expected a poor financial deal from the EU. Britex was a slab in the face to the financial center of the city of London. The city of London has always subsidized the rest of England. The rest of England effectively asked for less help from London and Increased poverty in rural areas when they hit the financial cow that is the city of London. Britex is a hardship on the young imposed by there elders. I do not understand why people in England chose a poorer future. It it possible they were had.
Comment posted on 23 December 2017
Britex is a slap in the face to all your European neighbors. it should be expected a poor financial deal from the EU. Britex was a slab in the face to the financial center of the city of London. The city of London has always subsidized the rest of England. The rest of England effectively asked for less help from London and Increased poverty in rural areas when they hit the financial cow that is the city of London. Britex is a hardship on the young imposed by there elders. I do not understand why people in England chose a poorer future. It it possible they were had.