31 January 2023
Empire of Light Review: Sex, thugs and loss of control
Barricaded behind the grand, glass doors of the Empire Cinema on a quaint, British seafront, yearning, curiosity, hope and torment intertwine in Sam Mendes’ latest work of art.
25 March 2020
Top 10 things you can do to help your mental health at home
A ‘top 10’ of things you can do from home that will help your mental health and wellbeing whilst being self-isolated or during social distancing in this coronavirus pandemic.
19 May 2019
A stunning conversation on mental health through the unified strength of dance and dialogue
7 May 2019
A Super Happy Show (About Feeling Super Sad)
This show is exactly what you'd expect - a super happy show about feeling super sad, well except for the bits about depression!